StartupInfo parameters can be specified either locally or globally. Local parameters will be used only with the *.es3 or *.ebs3 with which they are associated. Local StartupInfo (*.startupinfo3) files must be saved in the same folder as the *.es3 or *.ebs3 file with which they will be used, and must share the same name. For example, the local StartupInfo file for BasicRT.es3 would be named BasicRT.startupinfo3.
Global parameters will be used with all *.es3 or *.ebs3 files (e.g., Display.UseDesktopSettings is a parameter that could be applied to all experiments so that the computer's native resolution is always used) and must be specified in Global.startupinfo (located in the My Experiments folder ). The Global.startupinfo3 file can be accessed from the StartupInfo tab in the Experiment object's Property Pages, under the External StartupInfo Parameters section.
To avoid errors when saving StartupInfo files, it is recommended that the StartupInfo Editor be launched via the StartupInfo tab in the Experiment object's Property Pages. This will ensure that the correct file is opened and that the correct StartupInfo file name/path is used for local parameters.
Next Article: STARTUPINFO EDITOR: Naming and Editing Property Values (StartupInfo Editor) [22735]
Previous Article: STARTUPINFO EDITOR: StartupInfo File Creation [22733]
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