Port Communication
This section describes Serial, Socket, Port, and Parallel Port communication in E-Prime 3.0.
- INFO: How do I receive a marker in E-Prime from an external device? [42530]
- INFO: Choosing a marker value to send from E-Prime to an external device [42529]
- INFO: How do I send a marker to an external device? [42521]
- INFO: Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) [38955]
- INFO: Setting up a two-machine configuration for data collection over Ethernet [35544]
- DEVICE: How To: Synchronize E-Prime with an incoming marker/press via an Input Mask [34380]
- DEVICE: Socket Device [26069]
- DEVICE: Ability for Serial.ReadString to read up to Serial.InputMaxCount [18047]
- DEVICE: Parallel Port Device [17150]
- DEVICE: Serial Device [17355]
- DEVICE: Port Device [17213]
- DEVICE: How To Send Markers Through a Socket [25288]
- DEVICE: How To Send Markers Through a Parallel Port [25286]
- DEVICE: How To Send Markers Through a Serial Port [25287]
- INFO: New SerialDevice read mode property introduced [27856]
- DEVICE: Socket Device supports TCP and UDP communication [16877]
- INFO: Port Driver for x64 (AMD 64-bit extensions) compatible operating systems [17939]
- DEVICE: OnsetSignalDataPort and OffsetSignalDataPort permit wider range of values [17889]
- INFO: USB device compatibility with E-Prime [19547]
- INFO: Recommended Parallel Port Adapters for Machines without a Parallel Port [18031]
- INFO: Use of DB9 Serial to USB adapter within E-Prime [17569]
- INFO: Legacy Methods to Send Markers to an External Device [17212]