Brain Products
This section contains release information, known issues, features, and experiment design details for E-Prime Extensions for Brain Products.
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Extensions for Brain Products Released [26350]
- RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Extensions for Brain Products Known Issues [26348]
- BUG FIX: EEBP may send extra markers to BrainVision Recorder [28092]
- BUG: E-Prime Extensions for Brain Products experiment won't run due to BrainVision Recorder licensing dialog [29815]
- INFO: Missing markers in BrainVision Analyzer [39520]
- INFO: Triggers can be sent when the Package is off [29816]
- INFO: Brain Products Product Pages [26084]
- INFO: Configuring Remote Control Server (RCS) with E-Prime [26087]
- INFO: Restarting Remote Control Server (RCS) before a test session [26795]
- INFO: Remote Control Server (RCS) Version Information [27352]
- INFO: Brain Products Recorder Workspace (.rwksp) Files [27357]