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Articles on device information, I/O communication, known issues, and sound for Chronos.
Response Device Information
RELEASE INFO: Chronos Version Released [30928]
INFO: Assembling a Chronos Custom Expansion Kit [27526]
TIMING: Chronos Timing Data [24513]
DEVICE: Chronos as a Response Device [24491]
IO Communication
INFO: Using Chronos Analog Input with a Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) [34291]
INFO: Powering Devices With Chronos [29142]
INFO: Connecting third-party switches to Chronos [30394]
INFO: Chronos Warning: Driving Induction Load [25077]
DEVICE: Chronos and Triggers [24492]
Sound Information
DEVICE: Compatible Connectors for Chronos Audio OUT and PASS Jacks [37170]
INFO: Powering speakers with Chronos [30620]
INFO: Chronos as a Sound Output Device [24493]
Known Issues and Fixes
BUG: Chronos AnalogInRecord Task Event uses switched column headings and row definitions [35111]
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