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E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 1.0
Experiment Author: Baranski, J.V., & Petrusic, W.M. Adapted from STEP and used with permission of Brian MacWhinney
Experiment Description
This experiment tests the confidence that participants have in difficult perceptual judgements. It is similar to the one in Baranski and Petrusic 1995, except that it does not include the general knowledge portion.
Experiment Instructions
In this experiment, participants encounter a single trial consisting of 32 samples. 32 sets of coordinates for the stimuli are arranged in a list and presented randomly. The coordinates are set based on pixel values. Participants use a keyboard to make responses Adjusting the experiment display size may compromise the accuracy of the data. A 640x480 pixel display is used.
Experiment Citation
Baranski, J.V., & Petrusic, W.M. (1994). The calibration and resolution of confidence in perceptual judgments. Perception & Psychophysics, 55, 412-428. (See PDF below.)
Experiment Abstract or Original Experiment Abstract
Confidence rating based calibration and resolution indices were obtained in two experiments requiring perceptual comparisons and in a third with visual gap detection. Four important results were obtained. First, as in the general knowledge domain, subjects were underconfident when judgments were easy and overconfident when they were difficult. Second, paralleling the clear dependence of calibration on decisional difficulty, resolution decreased with increases in decision difficulty arising either from decreases in discriminability or from increasing demands for speed at the expense of accuracy. Third, providing trial-by-trial response feedback on difficult tasks improved resolution but had no effect on calibration. Fourth, subjects can accurately report subjective errors (i.e., trials in which they have indicated that they made an error) with their confidence ratings. It is also shown that the properties of decision time, conditionalized on confidence category, impose a rigorous set of constraints on theories of confidence calibration.
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See Also:
STEP: On the Calibration of Knowledge and Perception (1995) [35043]
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