This article applies to:
E-Prime 1.x
NOTE: This is not the latest version of E-Prime 1.x. Please refer to RELEASE INFO: Using the latest version of E-Prime [30812] for more information.
What has changed between E-Prime 1.0 and E-Prime 1.1?
E-Prime 1.1 includes everything in E-Prime 1.0 and also adds / extends the following features:
- INFO: Ability to specify location path for data file with E-DataPath environment variable [17019]
- INFO: Full script window has different interface to indicate it is read-only [17155]
- INFO: SegmentCopyHeight and SegmentCopyVerticalOffset properties to aid in eliminating display tearing [17175]
- INFO: Ability to clear the contents of the Output window before each experiment run [17211]
E-Prime 1.1 contains the following fixes:
- BUG FIX: User receives "Excel 8 or later" error on machine with Office XP or Excel XP [17047]
- BUG FIX: Unable to use casting functions for all types derived from RteObject [17134]
- BUG FIX: Typing certain keywords in User or InLine script do not syntax color as expected [17135]
- BUG FIX: E-Studio gives no error indication when .ebs file is read only [17141]
- BUG FIX: Command Line switch for minimize should not show E-Run interface or script [17153]
- BUG FIX: Error naming lower log levels as same name as upper log levels [17154]
- BUG FIX: Using Offset Order on List with all levels of zero weight causes crash [17162]
- BUG FIX: Echo with MaxCount = 1 does not show up on screen [17166]
- BUG FIX: Response values not as expected depending on {NUMLOCK} state [17177]
- BUG FIX: WordWrap value for SlideText component does not persist [17178]
- BUG FIX: Display device does not open with blank screen [17180]
- BUG FIX: List.GetAttrib returns random characters when unknown attribute specified [17183]
- BUG FIX: Older Beta Experiments with Sound do not convert properly [17186]
- BUG FIX: E-Studio hangs machine after running experiment and clicking X to close utility window [17210]
- BUG FIX: Specifying negative history value for an attribute reference [attrib:-1] always results in "History out of bounds" error [17224]
See Also:
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 1.1 Service Pack 1 Released [17340]
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 1.1 Service Pack 2 Released [17346]
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