This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
This item was introduced in E-Prime 2.0 (
Experiment Advisor
The Experiment Advisor provides experiments the ability to detect design and timing errors in E-Studio and E-Run. Additionally, statistics on the OnsetToOnsetTime, OnsetDelay, and LoadTime of objects can be reported. The Experiment Advisor tab is accessed through the Experiment Object as seen in the image below.
NOTE: In E-Prime 2.0, this feature is available for Professional users only. Please view E-Prime 2.0: Experiment Advisor Feature for more information on the Experiment Advisor in E-Prime 2.0.
While in the Experiment Object > Experiment Advisor menu, if the Experiment Advisor Modules list box is in focus, the modules can be checked (or unchecked) using the spacebar.
Additionally, the Experiment Advisor Modules can be arranged in alphabetical - or reverse alphabetical - order by clicking on the "Module" header.
Experiment Advisor Findings (E-Studio)
When generating an experiment, Experiment Advisor generates a list of Experiment Advisor Findings. Any enabled Modules have their Findings displayed in the Advisor window:
Experiment Advisor Report (E-Studio and E-Run)
When running an experiment from either E-Studio or E-Run, the Experiment Advisor generates both an xml and html report. If any of the enabled Modules have a Finding, then they are shown in the report. The report is opened in the default application for .xml or .html files.
NOTE: The .html report is a feature of E-Prime 3.0 Update 3 (RELEASE INFO: E-Prime 3.0 Change History [27275]).
After an experiment run, the link to the Experiment Advisor Report and other data files are available in the Generate tab of the Output window.
NOTE: Do to browser security, the .xml file results may appear blank or as unformatted, please open the .html file instead which will be formatted correctly.
Experiment Advisor E-Object options
The Experiment Advisor Report can include statistics about the LoadTime, OnsetDelay, and OnsetToOnset of E-Objects that occured during an experiment run. Check boxes for these options exist on the Experiment Advisor tab of each E-Object. All of the options are disabled by default.
When any check box on the Logging tab is altered or the Data Logging drop down on the Duration/Input tab changes, then the Experiment Advisor properties become checked.
Experiment Advisor Module Status
Modules can be ran on Generation in E-Studio, during the experiment run, or both. When individual modules of Experiment Advisor run at the end of an experiment, the "Generate" tab of the Output window lists each of the tasks as they occur in the system. For instance, "-Running Module: Non-Visual object using OnsetSync or OffsetSync" appears when E-Run reports back to E-Studio about the status of the "Non-Visual object using OnsetSync or OffsetSync" Advisor module.
See Also:
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