This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
Experiment Author: Psychology Software Tools, Inc.
The Pursuit Rotor Task is used to study visual-motor tracking skills and hand–eye coordination by having participants follow a moving object.
In this experiment, particpants see a red circle appear on the screen. They need to track the red circle as it moves steadily around a circular path and keep their mouse cursor on the red circle at all times.
The experiment uses 3 Canvases. The cnvs is the screen shown to particpants. The offScreenCnvs is an off-screen canvas that stores the large circle image. The flipCnvs is an off-screen canvas that has the large circle image copied to it and the small red circle is drawn on it. It is then flipped to the visible cnvs. The distance from the cursor and red circle is recorded as it moves around the screen.
NOTE: Please see the E-Prime Command Reference for more information on the Canvas object.
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