Experiment Object's Data File Tab
The Data File tab on the Experiment object’s Property pages allows the user to set parameters related to the writing of data files, and the names to be used for log levels within the data file. Refer to E-STUDIO: Experiment Object [22698] for more information.
Types of Data Files
The Status column contains one of three values for E-Prime files: Single Session, Merged data, or Target. The Status column remains blank for non-E-Prime files.
Single Session
Single session files are E-Prime data files generated by the E-Run application, which contain data from a single session. Single Session files have the EDAT file extension.
Merged Data
Merged data files are E-Prime data files which contain data from more than one session, and which are not designated as the target file. Merged data files have the EMRG extension. Merged data files may be merged into other files (i.e., act as a source file) or receive data from other files (i.e., act as a target file).
Target File
The target file is the file into which sessions of data are to be merged during a particular merge operation. Single session files may not be named as target files because data may not be merged into them. Target files may or may not be located in the same directory as the source files, and may or may not exist prior to the merge operation. If the target does not exist prior to the merge operation, it will be created by E-Merge during the operation.
If the file contains modifications to the data, three asterisks are added to the Status column value. When a source file containing data alterations is merged into a target file, E-Merge carries all data alteration flags from the source file to the target file. Therefore, when merging a source file with data alterations into a target file without data alterations, the target file will contain data alterations at the conclusion of the merge operation. After the merge operation is completed, the Status column value for the target file will be updated to include “***”, indicating altered data.
Editing Data Files
E-DataAid provides data editing capabilities from editing a single cell to adding a new variable. Editing a single cell is as easy as navigating to that cell, entering the new value, and pressing the Enter key. All edits to a cell appear in red, and for each edit, E-DataAid writes an annotation to the file (see E-DATAAID: Annotations (E-DataAid) [22815]. Even if done within a group operation, such as Replace All, E-DataAid will write an individual annotation to the file for each edited cell within the operation.
In E-DataAid, a cell or group of cells can be deleted by using E-DataAid’s Delete command on the Edit menu. Cells with deleted data or no data are marked as NULL. For detailed information concerning editing of data files, see E-DATAAID: Editing Data [22806].
Next Article: LOGGING: Output File Hyperlinks [22757]
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