This article applies to:
The primary data file generated during a test session is the taskdata file, a collection of measures summarized at the task level (i.e., across all trials for a specific task). The taskdata file contains all measures logged for a task, and permits import of the measures into a statistical package for analysis beyond that supplied in the CAMCI-Research report.
Type of Data Logged by CAMCI
The Type column indicates the type of information provided by the individual measure:
Type | Description |
AC | Accuracy (0=incorrect, 1=correct, or points reached) |
DUR | Duration (msec) |
INFO | Demographic/system/experiment session level information |
RESP | Response (e.g., key pressed, value entered) |
RT | Reaction Time (msec) |
UB | Upper bound (e.g., range, maximum, number of trials) |
The .taskdata file logged by the CAMCI-Research is a robust collection of over 300 measures summarized in the table below. Measures are listed in the order in which they appear in the taskdata file.
Task/Level | Name | Description | Type |
Session Variable | ExperimentName | Name of the experiment used to generate the data file | INFO |
Session Variable | ExperimentVersion | Version of the experiment used to generate the data file | INFO |
Session Variable | ProductName | Name of the product used to generate the data file | INFO |
Session Variable | ProjectName | Name of the project containing the protocol used to collect data | INFO |
Session Variable | ProtocolName | Name of the protocol used to collect data | INFO |
Session Variable | Subject | Subject number assigned at runtime | INFO |
Session Variable | Session | Session number assigned at runtime | INFO |
Session Variable | Age | Calculated age value based on user-entered date of birth | INFO |
Session Variable | EducationLevel | User-entered level of education value | INFO |
Session Variable | Sex | User-entered sex value | INFO |
Session Variable | Race | User-entered race value | INFO |
Session Variable | Ethnicity | User-entered ethnicity value | INFO |
Session Variable | MaritalStatus | User-entered marital status value | INFO |
Session Variable | Handedness | User-entered handedness value | INFO |
Session Variable | SiteID | User-entered site ID value | INFO |
Session Variable | ExaminerID | User-entered examiner ID value | INFO |
Session Variable | DOB | User-entered date of birth value (mm,dd,yyyy) | INFO |
Session Variable | Form | Version of the stimuli (e.g., A, B, etc) | INFO |
Session Variable | SubForm | Normal or extended version of the stimuli (1=normal, 2=extended) | INFO |
Session Variable | NormativeDataSet | Normative data set selected for comparison of test session data | INFO |
Session Variable | Tasks | List of task included in the protocol | INFO |
Session Variable | Lang | Presentation language for instructions and stimuli | INFO |
Session Variable | SessionDate | Test session date | INFO |
Session Variable | SessionTime | Test session time | INFO |
Session Variable | SessionStartDateTimeUtc | Test session date in universal format | INFO |
Session Variable | TotTimeSeconds | During of the test session in seconds | INFO |
Session Variable | CAMCITestStatus | Completion status of the test session | INFO |
Session Variable | ReportNotes | Additional information provided in the session report | INFO |
Session Variable | SystemID | Identifier of the system on which the data was collected | INFO |
Session Variable | CAMCIVersion | Product version information | INFO |
Session Variable | Mode | Mode of input (e.g., tap, touch, click) | INFO |
Session Variable | ShowCursor | True or False - Indicates whether or not the mouse occurs during experiment execution | INFO |
Session Variable | Voice | Selected voice file (e.g., Female) for instructions and audio stimuli | INFO |
Session Variable | Volume | Volume level at which the experiment was run | INFO |
Session Variable | TFStatus | Technical failure status | INFO |
Session Variable | UTStatus | User termination status | INFO |
Session Variable | ShowWelcome | True or False - Indicates whether or not the Welcome event occurs during experiment execution | INFO |
Session Variable | WelcomeImage | Image filename used by the Welcome event | INFO |
Session Variable | WelcomeAudio | Audio filename used by the Welcome event | INFO |
Session Variable | ShowGoodbye | True or False - Indicates whether or not the Goodbye event occurs during experiment execution | INFO |
Session Variable | GoodbyeImage | Image filename used by the Goodbye event | INFO |
Session Variable | GoodbyeAudio | Audio filename used by the Goodbye event | INFO |
Session Variable | DataFile.Basename | Base name of the data file | INFO |
Session Variable | DataPathName | Folder path location where data files are saved | INFO |
Bin Test | BTSampleRate | Total number of samples/Test duration in msec rounded to 1 decimal place | INFO |
Bin Test | BTProportionSampleError | Total number of error samples/Total samples rounded to 3 decimal point (including 0 bin) | INFO |
Bin Test | BTMaxTimingError | Max timing error per sample (in msec) | INFO |
Bin Test | BTProportionTotalError | Proportion total error observed across all samples = [summation of individual errors (bin ID * count within that bin)]/test duration in msec rounded to 1 decimal point | INFO |
Bin Test | BTFail | Close or Continue - Indicates the action to be taken if the task is not successfully completed | INFO |
Bin Test | BTStatus | Pass or Fail - Indicates whether or not the task was successfully completed | INFO |
Calibration | CBFail | Close or Continue - Indicates the action to be taken if the task is not successfully completed | INFO |
Calibration | CBStatus | Pass or Fail - Indicates whether or not the task was successfully completed | INFO |
Refresh Test | RFRefreshRate | Actual refresh rate at which the experiment was run | INFO |
Refresh Test | RFFail | Close or Continue - Indicates the action to be taken if the task is not successfully completed | INFO |
Refresh Test | RFStatus | Pass or Fail - Indicates whether or not the task was successfully completed | INFO |
Orientation to Date | ODDateRspAC | Overall Date accuracy | AC |
Orientation to Date | ODDateRsp | Complete date response | RESP |
Orientation to Date | ODDayRspAC | Current day response accuracy | AC |
Orientation to Date | ODDayRsp | Current day response | RESP |
Orientation to Date | ODMonthRspAC | Current month response accuracy | AC |
Orientation to Date | ODMonthRsp | Current month response | RESP |
Orientation to Date | ODYearRspAC | Current year response accuracy | AC |
Orientation to Date | ODYearRsp | Current year response | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFSadRsp | Have you been feeling sad or fearful in the past week? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFAnxtyRsp | Have you been feeling anxious in the past week? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFETOHRsp | Has there been any day in the past month when you had 5 or more drinks of alcohol in one day? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFMemWrsRsp | Is your memory worse now than it was two years ago? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFImpMemRsp | Is it harder for you to remember names, shop at a store, learn to use something new, or keep track of current events? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUseCmpRsp | Have you ever used a computer? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFATMRsp | Have you ever used a bank ATM machine? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFDrvCurRsp | Do you currently drive a car? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFDrvEvrRsp | Have you ever driven a car? | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser1Rsp | Custom self-report question 1 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser2Rsp | Custom self-report question 2 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser3Rsp | Custom self-report question 3 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser4Rsp | Custom self-report question 4 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser5Rsp | Custom self-report question 5 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser6Rsp | Custom self-report question 6 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser7Rsp | Custom self-report question 7 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser8Rsp | Custom self-report question 8 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser9Rsp | Custom self-report question 9 | RESP |
Self-Report | SLFUser10Rsp | Custom self-report question 10 | RESP |
Simple Reaction Time | SRNmTrlUB | Total number of trials in task | UB |
Simple Reaction Time | SRNmRspAC | Total number of response trials | AC |
Simple Reaction Time | SRNmTGUB | Total number of target trials | UB |
Simple Reaction Time | SRNmCorTGAC | Number correct targets | AC |
Simple Reaction Time | SRNmNGUB | Total number of non-target trials | UB |
Simple Reaction Time | SRNmIncRspAC | Number of incorrect response trials (False alarms) | AC |
Simple Reaction Time | SRCorRspART | Mean RT for correct response trials (Hits) | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRCorRspDRT | Median RT for correct response trials (Hits) | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRCorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct response trials (Hits) | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRIncRspART | Mean RT for incorrect response trials (False alarms) | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRIncRspDRT | Median RT for incorrect response trials (False alarms) | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRIncRspSRT | StdDev RT for incorrect response trials (False alarms) | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRAllRspART | Mean RT for all response trials | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRAllRspDRT | Median RT for all response trials | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRAllRspSRT | StdDev RT for all response trials | RT |
Simple Reaction Time | SRTaskDur | Total task duration | DUR |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmTrlUB | Total number of trials in task | UB |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmCorRspAC | Number of correct response trials | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmIncRspAC | Number of incorrect response trials | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmOmAC | Number of omissions | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmTGTrlUB | Total number of target trials | UB |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmCorTGAC | Number of correct target trials | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmNGTrlUB | Total number of non-target trials | UB |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmCorNGAC | Number of correct non-target trials | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RP1NmTrlUB | Total number of trials - First Repeat | UB |
Recurring Pictures | RP1NmCorAC | Number correct response trials - First Repeat | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RP2NmTrlUB | Total number of trials - Second Repeat | UB |
Recurring Pictures | RP2NmCorAC | Number of correct response trials - Second Repeat | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RP3NmTrlUB | Total number of trials - Third Repeat | UB |
Recurring Pictures | RP3NmCorAC | Number of correct response trials - Third Repeat | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RP4NmTrlUB | Total number of trials - Fourth Repeat | UB |
Recurring Pictures | RP4NmCorAC | Number of correct response trials - Fourth Repeat | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmHitsAC | Hits | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPHitRateAC | Hit rate | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmMissAC | Misses | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmFlsAlAC | False alarms | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPFARateAC | False alarm rate | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPNmCorRejAC | Correct rejections | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPDPrimeAC | Signal detection statistic (d-prime) | AC |
Recurring Pictures | RPCorRspART | Mean RT for correct response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPCorRspDRT | Median RT for correct response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPCorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPIncRspART | Mean RT for incorrect response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPIncRspDRT | Median RT for incorrect response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPIncRspSRT | StdDev RT for incorrect response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPAllRspART | Mean RT for all response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPAllRspDRT | Median RT for all response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPAllRspSRT | StdDev RT for all response trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP1CorRspART | Mean RT for correct responses on first repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP1CorRspDRT | Median RT for correct responses on first repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP1CorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct responses on first repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP1IncRspART | Mean RT for incorrect responses on first repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP1IncRspDRT | Median RT for incorrect responses on first repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP1IncRspSRT | StdDev RT for incorrect responses on first repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP2CorRspART | Mean RT for correct responses on second repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP2CorRspDRT | Median RT for correct responses on second repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP2CorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct responses on second repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP2IncRspART | Mean RT for incorrect responses on second repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP2IncRspDRT | Median RT for incorrect responses on second repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP2IncRspSRT | StdDev RT for incorrect responses on second repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP3CorRspART | Mean RT for correct responses on third repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP3CorRspDRT | Median RT for correct responses on third repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP3CorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct responses on third repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP3IncRspART | Mean RT for incorrect responses on third repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP3IncRspDRT | Median RT for incorrect responses on third repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP3IncRspSRT | StdDev RT for incorrect responses on third repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP4CorRspART | Mean RT for correct responses on fourth repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP4CorRspDRT | Median RT for correct responses on fourth repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP4CorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct responses on fourth repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP4IncRspART | Mean RT for incorrect responses on fourth repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP4IncRspDRT | Median RT for incorrect responses on fourth repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RP4IncRspSRT | StdDev RT for incorrect responses on fourth repeat trials | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPHitsART | Mean RT for hits | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPHitsDRT | Median RT for hits | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPHitsSRT | StdDev RT for hits | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPMissART | Mean RT for misses | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPMissDRT | Median RT for misses | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPMissSRT | StdDev RT for misses | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPFlsAlrmART | Mean RT for false alarms | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPFlsAlrmDRT | Median RT for false alarms | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPFlsAlrmSRT | StdDev RT for false alarms | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPCorRejART | Mean RT for correct rejections | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPCorRejDRT | Median RT for correct rejections | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPCorRejSRT | StdDev RT for correct rejections | RT |
Recurring Pictures | RPTaskDur | Total task duration | DUR |
Word Recall | WRNmTrlUB | Total number of trials in task | UB |
Word Recall | WRNmCorRspAC | Number correct | AC |
Word Recall | WRNmIncRspAC | Number of incorrect response trials | AC |
Word Recall | WRNmOmAC | Number omissions | AC |
Word Recall | WRRsp | Comma delimited list of responses typed | RESP |
Word Recall | WRTaskDur | Total task duration | DUR |
Go/No Go | GN1NmTrlUB | Total number of trials - Rule 1 | UB |
Go/No Go | GN1NmCorAC | Rule 1 Number correct | AC |
Go/No Go | GN1NmOmAC | Number of omissions - Rule 1 | AC |
Go/No Go | GN2NmTrlUB | Total number of trials - Rule 2 | UB |
Go/No Go | GN2NmCorAC | Rule 2 Number correct | AC |
Go/No Go | GN2NCorRspAC | Number of correct response trials - Rule 2 | AC |
Go/No Go | GN2NIncRspAC | Number of incorrect response trials - Rule 2 | AC |
Go/No Go | GN2NmOmAC | Number of omissions - Rule 2 | AC |
Go/No Go | GN1CorRspART | Mean RT for correct response trials - Rule 1 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN1CorRspDRT | Median RT for correct response trials - Rule 1 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN1CorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct response trials - Rule 1 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN1AllRspART | Mean RT for all response trials - Rule 1 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN1AllRspDRT | Median RT for all response trials - Rule 1 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN1AllRspSRT | StdDev RT for all response trials - Rule 1 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2CorRspART | Mean RT for correct response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2CorRspDRT | Median RT for correct response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2CorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2IncRspART | Mean RT for incorrect response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2IncRspDRT | Median RT for incorrect response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2IncRspSRT | StdDev RT for incorrect response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2AllRspART | Mean RT for all response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2AllRspDRT | Median RT for all response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN2AllRspSRT | StdDev RT for all response trials - Rule 2 | RT |
Go/No Go | GN1TaskDur | Total task duration - Rule 1 | DUR |
Go/No Go | GN2TaskDur | Total task duration - Rule 2 | DUR |
Digit Span Forward | DFMaxSpanUB | Max span size attainable for the FORWARD condition | UB |
Digit Span Forward | DFMaxSpanAC | Maximum span | AC |
Digit Span Forward | DFNmRspAC | Total number of response trials FORWARD condition | AC |
Digit Span Forward | DFNmIncRspAC | Number of incorrect response trials FORWARD condition | AC |
Digit Span Forward | DF1stTrlRT | RT of first trial | RT |
Digit Span Forward | DFTaskDur | Total task duration | DUR |
Digit Span Reverse | DRMaxSpanUB | Max span size attainable for the REVERSE condition | UB |
Digit Span Reverse | DRMaxSpanAC | Maximum span | AC |
Digit Span Reverse | DRNmRspAC | Total number of response trials REVERSE condition | AC |
Digit Span Reverse | DRNmIncRspAC | Number of incorrect response trials REVERSE condition | AC |
Digit Span Reverse | DR1stTrlRT | RT of first trial | RT |
Digit Span Reverse | DRTaskDur | Total task duration | DUR |
Verbal Recognition | VRNmTrlUB | Total number of trials in task | UB |
Verbal Recognition | VRNmCorRspAC | Number of correct response trials | AC |
Verbal Recognition | VRNmIncRspAC | Number of incorrect response trials | AC |
Verbal Recognition | VRNmOmAC | Number of omissions | AC |
Verbal Recognition | VRCorRspART | Mean RT for correct response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRCorRspDRT | Median RT for correct response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRCorRspSRT | StdDev RT for correct response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRIncRspART | Mean RT for incorrect response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRIncRspDRT | Median RT for incorrect response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRIncRspSRT | StdDev RT for incorrect response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRAllRspART | Mean RT for all response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRAllRspDRT | Median RT for all response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRAllRspSRT | StdDev RT for all response trials | RT |
Verbal Recognition | VRTaskDur | Total task duration | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINTUB | Total number points attainable - Choice Points | UB |
Virtual Environment | VEINTAC | Intersection accuracy | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT1PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 1 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT2PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 2 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT3PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 3 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT4PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 4 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT5PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 5 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT6PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 6 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT7PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 7 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT8PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 8 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINT9PtsAC | Points reached - Choice Point 9 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEErrand1AC | Completed - Errand 1 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEErrand2AC | Completed - Errand 2 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEINTCRspART | Mean RT all correct choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINTCRspDRT | Median RT all correct choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINTCRspSRT | StDev RT all correct choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINTIRspART | Mean RT all incorrect choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINTIRspDRT | Median RT all incorrect choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINTIRspSRT | StDev RT all incorrect choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINTARspART | Mean RT all choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINTARspDRT | Median RT all choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINTARspSRT | StDev RT all choice points (total duration) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT1FrstRT | RT Choice Point 1 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT1Dur | RT Choice Point 1 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINT2FrstRT | RT Choice Point 2 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT2Dur | RT Choice Point 2 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINT3FrstRT | RT Choice Point 3 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT3Dur | RT Choice Point 3 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINT4FrstRT | RT Choice Point 4 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT4Dur | RT Choice Point 4 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINT5FrstRT | RT Choice Point 5 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT5Dur | RT Choice Point 5 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINT6FrstRT | RT Choice Point 6 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT6Dur | RT Choice Point 6 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINT7FrstRT | RT Choice Point 7 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT7Dur | RT Choice Point 7 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINT8FrstRT | RT Choice Point 8 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT8Dur | RT Choice Point 8 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINT9FrstRT | RT Choice Point 9 (first response) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINT9Dur | RT Choice Point 9 (total duration) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEINTTaskDur | Total Task Duration | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEErrand1Dur | Time Errand 1 Completed (RTTime) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEErrand2Dur | Time Errand 2 Completed (RTTime) | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEATMUB | Total number points attainable - Everyday Capacities | UB |
Virtual Environment | VEATMAC | ATM accuracy | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEATMRsp | Value entered | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEATMAttmpAC | Number of attempts used | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEATMCanclAC | Number of cancels used | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEATMTaskDur | Total Task Duration | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEITNmTrlUB | Total number trials - Itemized Recall (includes Errands) | UB |
Virtual Environment | VEITNmCorAC | Itemized recall number correct | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT1AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 1 (Errand 1) | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT1Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 1 (Errand 1) | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIT2AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 2 (Errand 2) | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT2Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 2 (Errand 2) | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIT3AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 3 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT3Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 3 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIT4AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 4 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT4Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 4 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIT5AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 5 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT5Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 5 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIT6AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 6 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT6Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 6 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIT7AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 7 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT7Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 7 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIT8AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 8 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT8Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 8 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIT9AC | Accuracy - Itemized trial 9 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIT9Rsp | Final selection - Itemized trial 9 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEINNmTrlUB | Total number trials - Incidental Recall | UB |
Virtual Environment | VEINNmCorAC | Incidental recall number correct | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIN1AC | Accuracy - Incidental Trial 1 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIN1Rsp | Final selection - Incidental trial 1 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIN2AC | Accuracy - Incidental Trial 2 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIN2Rsp | Final selection - Incidental trial 2 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIN3AC | Accuracy - Incidental Trial 3 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIN3Rsp | Final selection - Incidental trial 3 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIN4AC | Accuracy - Incidental Trial 4 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIN4Rsp | Final selection - Incidental trial 4 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEIN5AC | Accuracy - Incidental Trial 5 | AC |
Virtual Environment | VEIN5Rsp | Final selection - Incidental trial 5 | RESP |
Virtual Environment | VEITCRGrcART | Mean RT all correct grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEITCRGrcDRT | Median RT all correct grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEITCRGrcSRT | StDev RT all correct grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEITIRGrcART | Mean RT all incorrect grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEITIRGrcDRT | Median RT all incorrect grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEITIRGrcSRT | StDev RT all incorrect grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEITARGrcART | Mean RT all grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEITARGrcDRT | Median RT all grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEITARGrcSRT | StDev RT all grocery items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT1RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 1 (Errand 1) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT2RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 2 (Errand 2) | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT3RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 3 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT4RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 4 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT5RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 5 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT6RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 6 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT7RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 7 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT8RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 8 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIT9RT | RT Itemized Recall Trial 9 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINCrRspART | Mean RT all correct incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINCrRspDRT | Median RT all correct incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINCrRspSRT | StDev RT all correct incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINIRRspART | Mean RT all incorrect incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINIRRspDRT | Median RT all incorrect incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINIRRspSRT | StDev RT all incorrect incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINALRspART | Mean RT all incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINALRspDRT | Median RT all incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEINALRspSRT | StDev RT all incidental items | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIN1RT | RT Incidental Recall Trial 1 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIN2RT | RT Incidental Recall Trial 2 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIN3RT | RT Incidental Recall Trial 3 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIN4RT | RT Incidental Recall Trial 4 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VEIN5RT | RT Incidental Recall Trial 5 | RT |
Virtual Environment | VERecallDur | Total Task Duration | DUR |
Virtual Environment | VEOverallDur | Total Task Duration | DUR |
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