This article applies to:
E-Prime Extensions for NIRx 3.0
Connecting to the Aurora Host machine
Both the E-Prime machine and the Aurora machine should be available on the same network. This ensures that E-Prime can access Aurora to obtain various settings needed for runtime (i.e., NIRSport device, Configuration, etc.). You should ensure that both machines are on the same network when editing and testing NIRx-enabled experiments. This is especially important as the Host, Device, and Configuration properties in the NIRx device in E-Prime need to be specified before accessing Signal Optimization definitions (which are often essential in validating channel / detector criteria).
View the article INFO: Locate Your IP Address and Ping Another Computer [31363] for more information.
Avoiding IP Addresses that begin with 169.x.x.x
Local-link addresses may not work properly with E-Prime and the Aurora sofware. For more information, see
Connecting to Aurora's API on subsequent runs
Under certain circumstances, E-Prime will not be able to reconnect to the API on a subsequent run. Examples of these possibilities are:
- Improper termination of E-Prime or Aurora software
- Dead battery on the NIRSport2
- Loss of connection to the NIRSport2
If you are unable to run on a subsequent run when using the E-Prime Extensions for NIRx 3.0, close all instances of the Aurora software and E-Prime. Then launch the applications again.
See Also:
INFO: Improper termination may result in Aurora properties not being reset [42283]
RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Extensions for NIRx 3.0 ( Known Issues [41498]
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