Once program development is completed, the program has been thoroughly tested, and the data file has been examined to determine that the necessary information is logging appropriately in E-Studio, data collection may begin. With a subject-ready program, E-Studio is not needed to launch the E-Run application, and data may be collected on multiple machines concurrently.
To run a completed program, the E-Basic Script (.ebs3) file should be launched directly from E- Run. EBS files, once completed, do not need to be run from E-Studio since the extra memory and additional files (i.e., .ebs3, .es3, .wndpos, .edat3 and .txt) are not necessary for simply running a pre-created file.
NOTE: The generation of an E-Studio (.es3) file to an E-Basic script (.ebs3) file is a one-way process. There is no way to generate an .es3 file from an .ebs3 file.
When collecting data, all unnecessary applications (i.e., everything other than E-Run) should be closed. To launch E-Run from the Start menu, choose Programs and E-Prime 3.0 to display the E-Prime menu. From the E-Prime 3.0 menu, select E-Run to launch the application
The E-Run application opens to a blank .ebs3 file. While it is possible to either enter new script at this point or open an existing .ebs3 file and edit script in the E-Run application window, it is not recommended that E-Run be used in this manner. The single most important reason for this is because the .ebs3 file is regenerated every time a compile procedure is performed from within E-Studio. Any changes made to the .ebs3 file from the E-Run application would be overwritten when the .ebs3 file is regenerated from within E-Studio.
To open a pre-created .ebs3 file in E-Run, select the Open command from the File menu or click the Open tool button.
The Open dialog will be displayed to allow the user to navigate to the appropriate directory and the file to be opened. Select the .ebs3 file to be opened by clicking it, or type the name directly into the File Name field in the Open dialog, and click the Open button.
The generated E-Basic script for the selected experiment will be loaded into E-Run. To run the script, click the Run tool button, press the F7 key, or double click on the .ebs3 file. After the run is complete, E-Run will return to the window displaying the .ebs3 file, and will display a dialog indicating the successful termination of the script. If errors occur, refer to ERROR: Common E-Prime Error Numbers/Messages and Solutions [18011].
Next Article: E-RUN: Terminating an Experiment [22675]
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