Finding Data
The Find command in the Edit menu allows the user to search a range of cells, columns, or rows for specified text. Select an area to be searched by clicking and dragging the mouse across the desired area to highlight it. With the desired area highlighted, select the Find command from the Edit menu. The Find dialog is displayed.
The text to be located is entered into the “Find what” field. The Find Next button locates the next occurrence of the string in the selected area. The Match whole word only box is checked by default, and searches for the exact word in the Find what field. The Match case box (unchecked by default) requires the search to match the case of the characters within the string as well as the actual text.
Replacing Data
The Replace command displays the Replace dialog, allowing the user to search for specific text within a range of cells, columns or rows, and replace the text with a specified string. To replace one string with another, select the desired range of cells, columns or rows by clicking and dragging across the desired area. With the area highlighted, select the Replace command from the Edit menu, or right click on the highlighted area to display the pop-up context menu, and select Replace.
The Replace command displays the Replace dialog. In the “Find what” field in the Replace dialog, the user specifies the string for which to search, and the string to which to change any instance of that value is specified in the “Replace with” field.
The Find Next, Replace, and Replace All buttons allow the user to search for and replace each instance of a specific string individually or for every instance within the specified area. To search for a string, or the next instance of a string, specify the string in the "Find what" field and click the Find Next button. When the string is located, the search will pause for further direction. To replace the string with another string, enter a value in the "Replace with" field and click the Replace button. To replace all instances of a string within a specified area, use the Replace All button. The Match whole word only box is checked by default, and searches for the exact word in the Find what field. The Match Case box (unchecked by default) requires the search to match the case of the characters within the string as well as the actual text.
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