The E-DataAid application Help system may be invoked by pressing the F1 key. The Help contents may be searched using an index listing of the available topics, or by searching for specific words or phrases in the Help topics.
The Index page displays an alphabetical listing of topics and commands within E-DataAid. The topics may be searched by typing directly in the first field of the Help Topics dialog or by scrolling through the topics contained in the index using the scroll bar on the right side of the Help Topics dialog. The Help information for a particular topic may be displayed by selecting the topic and clicking the Display button or by double clicking the topic to display a listing of Topics Found.
The Search page allows searching for specific words or phrases within the Help topics. After typing in a word to search for in the Help topics, the topics in which the word appears are listed, as well as additional suggestions to narrow the search. The Help information for a particular topic may be displayed by selecting the topic and clicking the Display button or by double clicking the topic.
Hide / Show Buttons
Clicking the Hide button will hide the Index and Search page. Once clicked, it turns into a Show button. Clicking the Show button shows the Index and Search page.
Back Button
Clicking the Back button returns the User to the previously viewed screen.
Print Button
The Print button display a standard windows printing dialog box. The current screen will be printed for the User.
Options Button
The following options are available from the options menu:
- Hide Tabs
- Back
- Forward
- Home
- Stop
- Refresh
- Internet Options
- Search Highlight
Next Article: E-DATAAID: Opening a Data File [22794]
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