This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
This sample illustrates how to independently turn on/off the PST Serial Response Box (SRBox) lamps using E-Basic script.
An attribute is added to the 'TrialList' List object ('LampNum'), to define lamp position on the trial level. Next the c.GetAttrib command is used to access the 'LampNum' attribute from the List object in the 'SRBoxLampTest' InLine. Within the 'SRBoxLamp' InLine, the appropriate lamp is turned on by referencing the 'LampNum' attribute while using the SRBox.Lamps syntax. The 'LampNum' attribute is also used as the correct response.
At the end of the experiment, script is used to turn on a combination of lamps.
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