This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
This sample demonstrates how to evaluate a participant's input and then perform a conditional action based on that response. The contingent branching paradigm shows three different ways to do this.
In the first procedure, the particpant's response is evaluated through the use of InLine script and E-Prime either advances on to the next object in the procedure or 'jumps' to an appropriate Label using a GoTo statement. If the first selection is made, another InLine script then goes to the Label at the end of the procedure to skip over the rest of the unneeded objects.
Next, in the second procedure, there are two keyboard Input Masks on one object. Depending on the participant's response, one of the Input Masks will execute its End Action. One InputMask is set to 'Terminate' so that E-Prime will execute the next object in the procedure. The other InputMask is set to 'Jump' to a Label later on in the procedure, skipping over the other objects.
Finally, in the third procedure, an InLine script evaluates the subject’s response and runs an appropriate List object. The chosen List will sample its contents just like any other List. Since the Lists and accompanying procedures are only run when chosen and not at every run, they are all located in Unreferenced E-Objects.
See Also:
INFO: EndResponseAction=Terminate behavior changed [18036]
E-STUDIO: Label Object [22712]
E-STUDIO: Input Devices [22723]
E-STUDIO: Unreferenced E-Objects [27730]
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