E-Basic is E-Prime's standard object-oriented programming language with over 800 commands, which has been customized to better fit the needs of real-time research. PST developed E-Basic to be user-friendly to meet the needs of the research community.
Two types of written script can be added to an experiment: script in InLine Objects or script placed in the User Script Window. When variables are declared on an InLine object, they are only accessible throughout the scope of the Procedure in which they are declared. Thus, InLine script is valuable when examining a single procedure. Conversely, the User Script is accessible in the Experiment Explorer Window. The User Script allows entering the user’s own high-level script. The User Script may be used to declare global variables.
Script can also be implimented in an application called PackageFile Editor. PackageFile Editor allows the creation of reusable blocks of E-Basic script that are added to E-Prime experiments via the PackageCall object.
When adding script to an experiment, debugging is one of the most useful tools. Debugging helps you check script for any errors.
Articles in this Section:
SCRIPTING: Why Use E-Basic [22868]
SCRIPTING: Getting Started with Writing Script [22869]
SCRIPTING: Programming Best Practices [22870]
SCRIPTING: Introducing E-Basic [22871]
SCRIPTING: ScriptSense [22873]
SCRIPTING: Communicating with E-Prime Objects [22874]
SCRIPTING: Object Properties [22876]
SCRIPTING: Object Methods [22877]
SCRIPTING: Variable Declaration and Initialization [22878]
SCRIPTING: User Script Window [22879]
SCRIPTING: Steps for Writing E-Prime Script [22880]
SCRIPTING: Programming: Basic (Logical Operators, Flow Control, Examples and Exercises) [25423]
SCRIPTING: Programming: Intermediate (Variables, Writing Subroutines, Writing Functions) [22905]
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