This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
This experiment illustrates the use of the BringToFront method in order to change the z-order of a Slide sub-object during Runtime.
This sample experiment sets an Attribute in TrialList called Top. The Attribute is used in SetupTrial InLine to bring a specified sub-object to the top.
Note that SlideButtons are always drawn over top of off other sub-objects (including SlideMovies). This means that only another SlideButton can appear over a SlideButton.
A SlideMovie is always drawn over SlideTexts and SlideImages. A SlideMovie can be drawn over top of another SlideMovie.
For more information, see the BringToFront method in the E-Prime Command Reference ( as well as BUG FIX: Z-Order of SlideMovie objects reversed [18827].
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