This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
This experiment demonstrates how to produce read-only data files (.edat3 and .txt).
The experiment provided, ReadOnlyDataTest.es3, is a basic task used to demonstrate producing read-only data files. The PackageFile that exists has the UnInitPackages tab edited. If a .txt or an .edat3 file exists after a test session is run, the .epk3 file sets the files to read-only. This Package may be useful for researchers who wish to have their data files in this state for security reasons.
This Package may be used with any experiment. To use it, you must configure the Packages tab of the Experiment Object (E-STUDIO: Experiment Object [22698]).
NOTE: The .epk3 file needs to be placed in the …My Experiments\3.0\Packages folder. Do this before opening and running the .es3 file.
See Also:
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