This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
This sample illustrates how to use a custom Indicator image for a SlideSlider.
The ChangeIndicator InLine object contains the script necessary to make a custom SlideSlider Indicator. The script changes the SlideSlider indicator to "StarIndicator.png" which is included in the attached .zip file. Additionally, the Width and Height of the Indicator are resized. Take special notice of the value in ActiveObjects when setting the SlideButton. This value must be the name of the SlideSlider followed by "Indicator" in order for the Indicator to be modified.
The experiment also contains the other Indicator properties that can be modified as well. There properties are commented out and would need to have values to work properly.
NOTE: The SlideSlider Indicator is declared as a SlideButton since the Indicator is a "miniature" SlideButton.
Please view SlideSlider Custom Indicator Mouse and Keyboard Sample [30608] for more information on using the Mouse and Keyboard to manipulate the SlideSlider Custom Indicator.
See Also:
E-STUDIO: SlideSlider Sub-Object [23600]
INFO: Custom SlideSlider Indicator [30609]
BUG: Custom SlideSlider Indicator cannot be dragged with mouse [30611]
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