This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
The MovieDisplay and SlideMovie objects offer a 'Frames' property that returns a collection of MoveDisplayFrame objects.
The MovieDisplayFrame has the following properties:
Name | Type | Description |
Position | MovieFrameTime | Returns a MovieFrameTime object representing the relative position reported by the movie file |
SoundPosition | MovieFrameTime | Returns a MovieFrameTime object represent ting the relative position of the sound reported by the movie file. |
Status | enumDisplayFrameStatus | Returns the current status of the frame (New, Rendered, Scheduled, Displayed, Dropped, Stopped) |
FrameNumber | LONG | The integer index of what frame is being represented |
TimeRendered | LONG | The time (in milliseconds) that the frame was received from the render engine. |
TimeRenderedMicro | LONG | The time (in microseconds*) that the frame was received from the render engine |
TimeScheduled | LONG | The time (in milliseconds) that the frame was scheduled to be displayed. Once scheduled, the frame will display on the next refresh cycle |
TimeScheduledMicro | LONG | The time (in microseconds*) that the frame was scheduled to be displayed. Once scheduled, the frame will display on the next refresh cycle |
TimeDisplayed | LONG | The time (in milliseconds) that the frame was displayed via the Display device |
TimeDisplayedMicro | LONG | The time (in microseconds*) that the frame was displayed via the Display device |
TimeStopped | LONG | The time (in milliseconds) that the frame was stopped via a StopAfter or .Stop method |
TimeStoppedMicro | LONG | The time (in microseconds*) that the frame was stopped via a StopAfter or .Stop method |
* This value overflows due to the limitations of how many values can be represented by a Longvalue.
Following is a sample which accesses the frames from a Movie object. Copy/Paste this script into an InLine object in the MovieRT sample to observe its function.
Dim nFrame As Long
For nFrame = 1 To theSlideMovie.Frames.Count
'Get the frame
Dim theMovieDisplayFrame As MovieDisplayFrame
Set theMovieDisplayFrame = theSlideMovie.Frames(nFrame)
If Not theMovieDisplayFrame Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "Time Displayed = " & theMovieDisplayFrame.TimeDisplayed
End If
Next 'nFrame
For further information on scripting using E-Basic, please refer to the E-Prime Command Reference (
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