This article applies to:
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
This sample demonstrates two methods for implementing a Visual Analog Scale.
The first method utilizes multiple SlideText sub-objects placed in a line on a Slide object. Each SlideText is named “Text” followed by a digit. The digit represents the particpant's relative rating of the presented statement. The SlideText clicked by the subject is determined using the HitTest method and the rating is logged in the data file.
The second method utilizes the Canvas object to draw multiple rectangles in a line on the screen. After the subject responds, InLine script is used to determine if the subject’s click was within one of the rectangles and the rating is logged in data file appropriately.
NOTE: Visual Analog Scales can be made with little to no scripting in E-Prime 3.0 with the use of SlideButtons and SlideSliders (E-STUDIO: SlideButton Sub-Object [23598] and E-STUDIO: SlideSlider Sub-object [23600]).
Dear PST team,
Hi, I runned the script and clicked the responses on it. But, at the several times I did it, always said to me "You chose nothing". And in the e-data aid, the Stimulus(1;2).RESP was always 1.
Could you help me on making the script work ?
Thank you very much,
Dear Fer,
Specific questions are best handled through our support site. A technical consultant will be in touch shortly regarding your question. Please feel free to submit a support request here at anytime:
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