This article applies to:
E-Prime 1.x
Sprite Manager is a set of routines used to assist in displaying a large number of images, low latency images, or both. The Sprite Manager routines are distributed as an E-Prime Package where access to the routines can be done via the PackageCall object. Sprite Manager provides a common denominator to base any experiment that requires image intensive designs that are out of the scope of traditional objects (ImageDisplay, Slide, etc) and scripting needs (Canvas). The background and technical content in the documentation is highly encouraged to be required reading for any experiment author using images in their experiments, even if an experiment author does not use Sprite Manager.
NOTE: This software is considered pre-release. Limited or no support is offered on this software at this time. Psychology Software Tools, Inc. reserves the right to change or remove this software without notice.
E-Prime provides for a set of objects that permit for most reaction-time and other psychological experiments via the E-Studio interface with ease. Because of hardware limitations, E-Prime by default will only do as much as it can within the limitations of the hardware of the system. Each experiment has the capability of logging when objects take longer to start or perform. Most experiments can adjust for these limitations where others require tweaking.
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