This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
This sample illustrates how to counterbalance multiple lists of stimuli running the same procedure, using the Counterbalance sampling option.
This sample selects the trials to be run on the basis of Counterbalance by Session. It uses Nested List objects to assign different values for stimuli and correct responses. The same procedure is used to run all trials with different types of stimuli (e.g., flowers, numbers, letters, animals). Depending on the session number, the experiment either uses the 'AnimalList', 'FlowerList', 'LetterList', or 'NumberList' Nested List objects. The session number determines which Nested List to access, but each session runs the same Procedure.
This sample could be modified to run all the conditions in different orders. To do this, select the 'Offset' sampling method under the 'BlockList' object's properties. Under these conditions, the order of the conditions is sequential, but each session starts at a different point. Therefore, Session 1 runs conditions 1-2-3-4; Session 2 runs conditions 2-3-4-1; Session 3 runs conditions 3-4-1-2 and so on.
See Also:
INFO: Counterbalance Order instead of multiple experiment files [27710]
E-STUDIO: List Object [22700]
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