This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
This sample uses a single Procedure to display text line by line, allowing for varying lengths of text. The participant advances through the text by pressing the spacebar. At the end of the line by line text presentation, a question is presented in relation to the total text.
Text which is to be displayed is defined at the Block level via the 'TextList' List object, and each line of a specific text is defined at the Trial level via the 'LineList'. The 'Question' is relevant to the text as a whole, so it is defined at the Block level.
Each section of text is defined in the 'TextList' via the 'TotalText' attribute. This attribute includes the entire text, with each line being followed by the delimiter character (including the last line). The delimiter character is defined as a constant in the User Script (ALT+7):
Const strDelimChar = "*"
To change this delimiter, simply change the value of the constant variable, and enter your text using the new delimiter.
See Also:
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