This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
This sample illustrates the use of a global variable and InLine script to award winnings based on the responses made by the participant. The Format function is used to format the winnings into dollar values.
This experiment illustrates the use of a global variable and InLine script to award winnings (in dollar form) based on the responses made by the subject.
Attributes are set to allow presentation of the running total of winnings on each trial as well as the total winnings achieved.
Following the 'Stimulus' presentation, InLine object 'CalculateReward' adjusts a variable according to whether or not the subject responded correctly. If the subject responds correctly, the variable 'Winnings' is increased by '10'. If the subject responds incorrectly, the variable is decreased by a third. In addition, the attribute 'TempWinnings' is used to maintain a running score for the subject. The variable 'Winnings' is defined globally in the User Script.
A FeedbackDisplay object is used to inform the subject as to whether or not they responded correctly, and also references the attribute 'TempWinnings' to display the subject's running total.
This example runs 4 trials. At the end of the trials, the final total is displayed.
For further information on scripting using E-Basic, please refer to the E-Prime Command Reference (
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