This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
This sample illustrates two methods for inserting a 'pause' during an experiment.
The first method uses a conditional statement to run an object from 'Unreferenced E-Objects' section at specific times throughout the experiment (e.g., after every 3 trials).
The second method (UserBreakState) looks for the Ctrl+Shift key sequence, then takes action according to what is defined in the script (e.g., Sleep, run another object, wait for input, etc.). This script may be placed throughout the experiment to allow pausing at different times.
For further information on scripting using E-Basic, please refer to the E-Prime Command Reference (
Many thanks for this wonderful script (and the accompanying video). I tried this out on an emotional images task, and it seems to be pulling up the "pause" screen but then moving right into the next trial before anyone presses space.
I tried to troubleshoot as best as possible, but can't seem to identify why this might happen. Has anyone come across an issue like this and can advise? Thanks so much for these resources.
Was it solved ? I am having a similar problem, it goes to the next trial but I want the trial I was in to be repeated.
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