This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
E-Prime 1.x
This sample illustrates the use of string input. The participant is presented with a question and is asked to type a response. The participant's response 'echos' to the display, so that they may see their response as they are typing.
String input in E-Prime is currently supported by setting the 'MaxCount' parameter on the 'Advanced' property page of the 'Duration/Input' tab for the object collecting the response. The 'MaxCount' parameter allows you to set the maximum number of keys allowed for input. The 'Termination Response' property designates the input to be used to terminate the input mask prior to reaching the maximum response count set in Max Count. This sample uses the '{ENTER}' key as the termination response. The 'Echo' tab in the 'Advanced' properties pages permits the user to specify the device to which input will be echoed, and to set properties for that device. In this sample, the response is echoed via the 'Display' device, and the properties are set to echo black text on a white background below the question which is presented to the participant.
NOTE: The text entered in the Display Echo can be seen in the .edat file in the Stimulus.RESP column.
As an alternative to using the Echo Client, E-Prime 3.0 users can use SlideButtons to display string input. Please refer to Slide Button Echo [33141] for a sample experiment.
How would I collect their typed and organized-by-question responses after I merge all of my subject's data?
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You wrote:
“Where is the string input logged in the edatafile? though I have enabled keyboard, a large max count, and an echo so I can see text being input, no input can be found in the edatafile”
The participant's response is logged in the variable Stimulus.RESP. The question that was presented when the response is collected is logged in the variable Stimulus.
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