This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
This sample illustrates the use of the Task Events feature and multiple input masks to send conditional based events on the response.
NOTE: This sample requires E-Prime 2.0 Professional build or later. If you wish to send conditional triggers in an earlier version of E-Prime 2.0 or in Standard, you will need to use InLine script.
If you want to send a specific attribute at each Stimulus.Response, you can reference it from a List object (e.g., TrialList). The .ACC data type will send a "1" or a "0". At this time, the Task Events feature cannot send conditional data. Since the “off” signal is the same as the default “incorrect response” signal (ACC=0), accuracy can be re-coded from [0,1] to [1,2].
To do this, we can create two attributes in the TrialList called 'CorrectRESPTrigger' and 'IncorrectRESPTrigger'. For the 'correct' response, we will send a "2". For the 'incorrect response', we will send a "1". To send the appropriate trigger, we can add two input masks to the 'Stimulus' object. For the first input mask, we would assign the 'Allowable' response as '[Correct]' and the 'Correct' response as '[Correct]'. Then for the Task Event 'Stimulus.Keyboard(1).Press', we would send '[CorrectRESPTrigger]'. For the second input mask, we would put '[Incorrect]{F4}' as the 'Allowable' response and '{F4}' as the 'Correct' response. Then for the Task Event 'Stimulus.Keyboard(2).Press', we would send '[IncorrectRESPTrigger]'.
Note that you do not need to use F4. You can use any key that would not accidentally be pressed. The key was added to make sure that a "no response" response would be counted as correct for the 'Incorrect' Keyboard Input Mask Device (i.e., leaving the 'Correct Response' blank for the second Keyboard Input Mask).
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