This article applies to:
E-Prime 3.0
E-Prime 2.0
This sample shows how to score a SoundIn recording in an .edat3 / .edat2 output file. A stimulus is randomly presented from a List object and participants are asked to read several sentences out loud into a microphone.
A SlideSoundIn sub-object will record the participant and create a sound file for each trial. In the SoundIn sub-object properties, the default of @Auto in the 'Capture Filename' field will automatically create a sound file name following the format 'ExperimentName-Subject-Session-ObjectName-TrialNumber.wav'.
Be sure to connect your microphone to your computer's sound card prior to running the experiment, or you may encounter an error.
After you have collected data and have opened the .edat file in E-DataAid, follow these steps to score the accuracy of the sound recording:
- Create a new variable column in the data file to store the participant's accuracy by going to the Menu bar > Edit > Add Variable. Name this variable whatever you would like and then select 'Trial' as the variable's level. It would be easiest to re-order the data file so that the 'Trial', 'Stim', and 'StimulusSoundIn1.Filename' columns are close together. Also, you should move your newly created column next to them. You can do this by simply clicking the name of a column and dragging it to the left or right.
- Read the 'Stim' column to see what was presented for a trial. Then, highlight the entry in the 'StimulusSoundIn1.Filename' column for that trial and press the 'Play' button (which resembles a CD with a small musical note). Compare what you hear to the stimulus that was presented.
- Record the accuracy however you wish (e.g., typing 'yes'/'no', or using '0' and '1').
See Also:
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