How to establish correct response during the first round of learning so accuracy is 50% for all participants?
I am designing a novel word learning task. Participants will learn the nonword name of 10 objects over 7 learning rounds. On each trial, they will see two objects and one word and be asked to select which object is referred to by the word. They will then receive immediate feedback on their response accuracy. Feedback is an important aspect of this task and thus, we want all participants to receive 50% correct and 50% incorrect feedback on the first round of learning.
My question is how can I make it so that during the first learning round, the correct associations between the word and the object is established so that accuracy in round 1 is always 50%. Then on the remaining learning rounds, correct and incorrect is referenced off of that association established in the first round?
I am also wondering if it is possible to do this and also make it so that the incorrect answer/foil changes each round (i.e., it isn't always the same two objects paired together).
I am new to EPrime 2.0 and was unable to find any similar questions to guide this design. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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