Merging two columns in E-DataAid or importing csv format
Hi everybody!
I am using EP2Pro2.0.10.356 and Edata Aid and have been trying to figure out how to solve a problem for a significant amount of time, unfortunately without success.
I have data output from over 240 subjects, with 960 rows for each person. Of the 960 rows, half (i.e. 480) contain reaction times in one column, while the other half (i.e. the generated rows 481 – 960) contain reaction times in another column. The 480 rows not containing data say NULL. need to combine/merge these reaction times from the two colums into ONE. I was looking for a function to merge columns in EData Aidbut did not find anything, and then I intended to work on my data externally within a .csv format to manipulate data and re-import it into Edata Aid, but apparently it is only possible to import MEL, PsyScope and Eprime text files, is this correct? Is it possible to merge data from two different columns without having to do it manually, or could anybody please provide an idea how I could proceed? I need the data in Edata Aid in order to use the tool “analyze”.
Thank you so much in advance for an answer!
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