Slideimage Blue dot on top of a slide movie
Dear all,
I am looking to run an experiment where I'm playing a slidemovie and a blue dot slideimage should appear on top of the video at certain intervals. But when I bring the slideimage to the front I get the message that at runtime the slidemovie is always on top of any slideimage or slidetext.
Is there any way round this or alternatives?
Also the one video needs to run for 3mins while the blue/yellow dots appear as trials. Is this possible as well? I don't want a video to play for each trial.
Hi Carlo,
thank you for your reply. We'd like to conduct a similar experimental as Paul: show a blue dot-image for 50 ms in front of a running movie. The subjects should react to the visual stimulus by pressing a button. The movie should be shown without interruptions, while are the stimuli are presented with different intervals in between.
Images cannot be displayed in front of a movie, but buttons are always shown in front of one. And a button can also include an image, so that an image (as a button) can be shown in front of a movie (small detour 😉). I just don't know how to set a different durations for movie and button and how to measure the response to the button -- if that is possible.
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