Slideimage Blue dot on top of a slide movie



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    Carlo Fabbiani

    Hi Paul,

    I have a similar issue (I want to play a video - without interruptions - and present some stimuli with certain intervals).

    Did you manage to solve the problem?

    Thanks in advance,


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    Nadine V

    Hi Carlo & Paul,

    same here! I'd be very happy if you could share how your solved the issue.

    Thanks in advance,


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    Carlo Fabbiani

    Hi Nadine,

    unfortunately I have no news on this side, in these last months I've been working on other experiments and I put that issue on hold. What exactly would you like to do?


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    Nadine V

    Hi Carlo, 

    thank you for your reply. We'd like to conduct a similar experimental as Paul: show a blue dot-image for 50 ms in front of a running movie. The subjects should react to the visual stimulus by pressing a button. The movie should be shown without interruptions, while are the stimuli are presented with different intervals in between.

    Images cannot be displayed in front of a movie, but buttons are always shown in front of one. And a button can also include an image, so that an image (as a button) can be shown in front of a movie (small detour 😉). I just don't know how to set a different durations for movie and button and how to measure the response to the button -- if that is possible.


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