Issue with sending Task events to Brain Vision Recorder


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    Duncan Blair

    Hi Greg,

    We have set up and run a number of experiments using e-prime and brain vision recorder and have learned a few lessons.  Can you describe how your experiment is sending the task events?  I assume that a "task event" means the same thing as a brain vision "trigger code"?

    Generally we send trigger codes at the onset and offset of particular eprime events.  Such as the onset of the text stimuli screen and then at the offset of that screen. We use an inline script to send the trigger code via a chronos IO port.  This is then wired to the trigger lines on the brain vision USB adapter box. 

    My best guess from your description is that either the structure of the experiment stops sending the task events or there is some sort of timeout at the OS level that lets the port be dropped if its inactive for a while.  Can you provide some information about which OS you are using and how the computers are connected?  (Via Chronos or serial port or USB lines or some other IO device?)



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