Counterbalancing by Trial Number
I'm currently creating an IAT with 7 Blocks. I have finished all 7 blocks, however I want to incorporate an "incompatible" Block order in addition to the current "compatible" Block order. The compatible order runs the Blocks in the order they're in now (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), , while the incompatible Block order would switch the Blocks around so that the new Block order would be in the sequence 5, 2, 6, 7, 1, 3, 4. I would like to Counterbalance these by subject (ie., subject #1 does the compatible order, subject #2 does the incompatible, and so on). Essentially it's just the order in which the Blocks appear that changes based on participant. Is there any shortcut for shuffling the order of Blocks around? Thanks so much.
This sort of thing has been addressed on the E-Prime Google Group (, you might try looking there.
This got discussed in your thread on the E-Prime Google Group at Hope that helps!
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