Writing inline code for getting soundout signal.



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    kara linda

    I am trying to write the codes for soundout signals, so that I know the stimuli is working now. However, it still doesn't work after trying many ...Check it out: you can create inline code on Medium now! The invocation is ` + any other character . You should see the backtick disappear, and ... The HTML element displays its contents styled in a fashion intended  slope unblocked   to indicate that the text is a short fragment of computer code. Description: When trying to enter a piece of code or text meant to be inline in monospace, a whole block is created, breaking the paragraph.Inline code supposed to work? · Double tap ` key · Click or move using arrow keys into the backquotes · Write code in between backquotes.

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    David McFarlane

    Rick, if you have EP2.0.10 or later then you should use the much superior Task Events facility to handle your signals, instead of the outmoded OnsetSignal facility.  You might also find more help at the E-Prime Google Group, groups.google.com/group/e-prime.

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