Unable to load image
We have used this version of the task for sometime and are now running a similar version with updated images. I copied the previous ES3 files and renamed them to mark the files as different from the original. I then went into the list and renamed the image names to match the new named files (which I put in same folder as original images). I keep getting this error.
The following runtime error occurred:
Unable to load image file
Filename: 'x_B3Training.bmp'
Current Folder: 'C:.laTHIS ONEtracking1'
Open: 1
Found: 1
Last Error: 0 (0x0)
Return Code: 2104
Return Code2: 0
Filename2: 'C:.laTHIS ONEtracking1_B3Training.bmp'
Open2: 1
Found2: 1
Last Error2: 0 (0x0)
Line: 517
Error Number: 11043
Experiment Output Files:
C:\Users\Tobii.la\Desktop\USE THIS ONE\eye tracking\1\BeingUsed\x_1ATrainingSet-1-1.txt
Something looks messed up in E-Prime's rendering of your file & folder names. I would look carefully at the formatting of folder & file names in your List, especially if you use any backslashes. I might even start by reducing the task to run only one trial and using a test image file with a very simple naming format with no subfolders. Once I got that to work I would try to get the rest working. Good luck.
\x is a Windows escape sequence. Try changing the "x" to something not defined on following linked web page. Or use double slashes \\ to delimit the directory
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