This article applies to:
E-Prime Go 1.0 (
NOTE: This is not the latest version of E-Prime Go. Please view RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go Change History [35152] for information on the latest version.
E-Prime Go ( is an expansion of E-Prime 3.0 that allows researchers to collect data remotely. Researchers can decide what .ebs3, resource files, and any other files to “pack” in a distributable .exe file. Once the .exe is distributed, it can be unpacked along with any necessary files to run the experiment on the machine. Data can then be collected by the experiment and uploaded to a secure site (e.g., JotForm) for safety purposes and access by the study coordinators.
Please refer to TIMING: Verifying your E-Prime Go Timing [35028] for timing information in E-Prime Go.
The following YouTube videos contain information on using Google Drive and JotForm with E-Prime Go:
NOTE: For a list of detailed changes between E-Prime Go versions, please view RELEASE INFO: E-Prime Go Change History [35152].
To determine if a machine is eligible to run an experiment packed with E-Prime Go, please view INFO: PcQualify for E-Prime Go / E-Prime 3.0 [35382] and download the PcQualify application.
See Also:
I have been putting E-Prime Go through some paces. A few observations that may be of general interest:
E-Prime Go does not warn you if you are overwriting a previously packaged program.
The E-Prime runtime engine adds about 29 MB to the packaged .exe file.
When subjects launch the .exe file they may get a security warning about not having a valid digital signature.
Packages that are set to "Collect Machine Info" will take some extra time to run after the subject clicks "Run Task" from the starting dialog (in my case, two minutes). Without "Collect Machine Info" the task will start right away.
If you have your experiment program set to use a specific display resolution then it may fail on a remote subject's computer, producing an unwelcome error message. Safest to always use "Match desktop resolution at runtime".
"Failure Message" text that you add while packaging your experiment will appear in the "Researcher additional info: ''" line of any error message that does result during the experiment run.
If the subject enters a Subject number of 0, you will not get any data! Best to set the experiment program to disallow subject 0. Alternatively, set the program to use default values for Subject and Session, eliminate those dialogs, and sort everything out after data collection.
There was a discussion on the E-Prime Google Group about programmatically adding arbitrary information to data file names for E-Prime Go. See the hack at
I have a feeling that setting "Match desktop resolution at runtime" to "No" (the default) may make programs fail to work on participants' computers. Setting that to "Yes" may work around that, at the cost of having less control over runtime resolution. But then we really have no control whatever over the displays used by remote participants anyway. Could someone speak to this? Thanks.
When participants launch the .exe file generated by E-Prime Go, they often get a security warning about not having a valid digital signature. I am very reluctant to ask ordinary users to develop bad security practices by ignoring this message. Please advise. Thanks.
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