[WARNING] WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY! Use only E-Studio to edit this file. Editing of this file from any other means is not supported and may corrupt the experiment design specification. Technical support will not be able to address any issue in regards to this file format. [Experiment] VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=12 _VersionPersist=6 Root="SessionProc" Author="Brandon S. Cernicky (Psychology Software Tools)" Abstract="" Notes="" Creation=1098979058 [Device0] _VersionPersist=1 OpenDevice=1 Width=640 Height=480 Bpp=16 Name="Display" Class="Display" [Device1] _VersionPersist=1 OpenDevice=0 Channels=2 Samples=22050 Bps=16 Name="Sound" Class="Sound" [Device2] _VersionPersist=1 OpenDevice=1 CollectionMode=1 EmulateDeviceName="" CapsLock=0 NumLock=1 Name="Keyboard" Class="Keyboard" [Device3] _VersionPersist=1 OpenDevice=1 CollectionMode=1 EmulateDeviceName="" OpenMode=0 ShowCursor=0 Name="Mouse" Class="Mouse" [Device4] _VersionPersist=1 OpenDevice=1 CollectionMode=1 EmulateDeviceName="" Address="&H378" Size=8 Invert=0 Mask="-1" Name="Port" Class="Port" [DataFile] WarnBeforeOverwrite=1 WarnIfConvertFailed=1 RemoveERecoveryFile=0 ReceiveFeedbackDuringDataFileConversion=1 LogLevel(2).Name="Block" LogLevel(3).Name="Trial" LogLevel(4).Name="SubTrial" LogLevel(5).Name="LogLevel5" LogLevel(6).Name="LogLevel6" LogLevel(7).Name="LogLevel7" LogLevel(8).Name="LogLevel8" LogLevel(9).Name="LogLevel9" LogLevel(10).Name="LogLevel10" [StartupInfo] DisplaySummary=1 UseDefaults=0 [StartupInfo1] Name="Subject" Prompt="Please enter the Subject Number (1-32767, 0=No Data Logging):" DataType=0 Enabled=1 PromptEnabled=1 Default="1" Min=0 Max=32767 PrivateFlags=268435477 PrivateInfo=1 [StartupInfo2] Name="Session" Prompt="Please enter the Session Number (1-32767):" DataType=0 Enabled=1 PromptEnabled=1 Default="1" Min=1 Max=32767 PrivateFlags=268435477 PrivateInfo=1 [StartupInfo3] Name="Group" Prompt="Please enter Subject's Group (0-32767):" DataType=0 Enabled=0 PromptEnabled=0 Default="1" Min=0 Max=32767 [StartupInfo4] Name="Name" Prompt="Please enter Subject's Name:" DataType=1 Enabled=0 PromptEnabled=0 Default="" MaxLength=255 [StartupInfo5] Name="Age" Prompt="Please enter Subject's Age (0-150):" DataType=0 Enabled=0 PromptEnabled=0 Default="0" Min=0 Max=150 [StartupInfo6] Name="Sex" Prompt="Please enter Subject's Sex:" DataType=2 Enabled=0 PromptEnabled=0 Default="male" Choice(1).Value="male" Choice(2).Value="female" [StartupInfo7] Name="Handedness" Prompt="Enter Subject's Handedness:" DataType=2 Enabled=0 PromptEnabled=0 Default="left" Choice(1).Value="left" Choice(2).Value="right" [StartupInfo8] Name="ResearcherID" Prompt="Please enter Researcher's ID:" DataType=0 Enabled=0 PromptEnabled=0 Default="1" Min=0 Max=32767 [Object0] _Version=65536 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 _ItemList="LookAtUserScript;GetPortInfo;PortInfo;CheckContinue;InputDisplay;OutputDisplay;ConfigureAndGo;ExampleCalls;GoodbyeLabel;Goodbye" _VersionPersist=1 FlowLines(0).Count=10 FlowLines(0).FlowItem(0).Name="LookAtUserScript" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(1).Name="GetPortInfo" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(2).Name="PortInfo" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(3).Name="CheckContinue" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(4).Name="InputDisplay" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(5).Name="OutputDisplay" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(6).Name="ConfigureAndGo" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(7).Name="ExampleCalls" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(8).Name="GoodbyeLabel" FlowLines(0).FlowItem(9).Name="Goodbye" LogData=1 Name="SessionProc" TypeName="Procedure" Tag="" Notes="" [Object1] _Version=65536 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Logging("OnsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("OnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("DurationError").Log=0 Logging("PreRelease").Log=0 Logging("Duration").Log=0 Logging("StartTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("FinishTime").Log=0 Logging("TimingMode").Log=0 Logging("CustomOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("CustomOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("ActionDelay").Log=0 Logging("ActionTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("RTTime").Log=0 Logging("ACC").Log=0 Logging("RT").Log=0 Logging("RESP").Log=0 Logging("CRESP").Log=0 Logging("Tag").Log=0 Input(0)=!Data0 _VersionPersist=1 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Text="Welcome!\n\nThis experiment contains some script routines that will help configure your parallel port to read or write to the DATA port (pins 2-9).\n\nTo add these routines to your experiment, copy and paste all of the User script from this experiment to the User script area in your experiment and call the appropriate routines to configure your parallel port.\n\nIf you receive any errors while running this experiment, view the comments above the lines where the error occurs and contact E-Prime Web Support.\n\n\nPress any key to continue..." ForeColor="black" BackColor="white" BackStyle="opaque" BorderColor="black" BorderWidth="0" X="center" Y="center" Width="100%" Height="100%" XAlign="center" YAlign="center" AlignHorizontal="center" AlignVertical="center" FontName="Courier New" FontSize="16" FontBold="Yes" FontItalic="No" FontUnderline="No" FontStrikeout="No" WordWrap=1 ClearAfter="No" Duration="-1" JumpLabel="" TimingMode=0 PreRelease="0" OnsetSync=1 OffsetSync=0 Name="LookAtUserScript" TypeName="TextDisplay" Tag="" Notes="" [Data0] DeviceName="Keyboard" DeviceClass="Keyboard" AllowableInput="{ANY}" CorrectInput="" TimeLimit="" MaxCount="1" InputAction=1 SyncOwnerDuration=1 Enabled=1 FlushInputBuffer="Yes" TerminationInput="" UserTag="" ResponseMode="All" ProcessBackspace="Yes" [Object2] _Version=131072 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 _VersionPersist=1 Code="\n\t'This is the port address used in this experiment\n\t' The default value for LPT1 is typically &H378\n\t' Adjust this value if your parallel port is located\n\t' at another address or if you have multiple parallel\n\t' ports in the machine.\n\tConst PORT_ADDRESS = &H378\n\n\n\t'Find out what type of parallel port is\n\t' configured on the system\n\tDim nPortType As Long\n\tnPortType = GetPortType(PORT_ADDRESS)\n\n\t'Get the human readable description\n\tDim strDescription As String\n\tstrDescription = GetPortDescription(PORT_ADDRESS)\n\n\t'Find out what the capabilities are\n\tDim strCapabilities As String\n\tSelect Case nPortType\n\t\tCase PORT_TYPE_SPP\n\t\t\tstrCapabilities = \"The parallel port is configured for legacy SPP (Output Only) mode.\" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\" You will not be able to use the ConfigurePortForInput or \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"ConfigurePortForOutput routines in this function at this time. \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Please configure the parallel port in the system BIOS \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"and change the parallel port mode to ECP/EPP and run \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"this experiment again.\"\n\n\t\t\t'Set the user break state so that we jump out of the experiment\n\t\t\tSetUserBreakState -1\n\n\t\tCase PORT_TYPE_PS2\n\t\t\tstrCapabilities = \"The parallel port is configured for legacy PS2 mode.\" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\" You will not be able to use the ConfigurePortForInput or \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"ConfigurePortForOutput routines in this function at this time. \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Please configure the parallel port in the system BIOS \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"and change the parallel port mode to ECP/EPP and run \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"this experiment again.\"\n\n\t\t\t'Set the user break state so that we jump out of the experiment\n\t\t\tSetUserBreakState -1\n\n\t\tCase PORT_TYPE_EPP, PORT_TYPE_ECP\n\t\t\tstrCapabilities = \"The parallel port is configured for the newer ECP/EPP modes. \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Your computer is configured to use the script routines in \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"this experiment. Although all of the routines in the User \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"script area can be called from an InLine in your experiment, \" & _ \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"the major routines to note are ConfigurePortForInput and \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"ConfigurePortForOutput as described on the following screens.\"\n\t\tCase Else\n\t\t\tstrCapabilities = \"The parallel port is configured for an unknown mode or an invalid port address was used.\" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\" You will not be able to use the ConfigurePortForInput or \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"ConfigurePortForOutput routines in this function at this time. \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Please configure the parallel port in the system BIOS \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"and change the parallel port mode to ECP/EPP and run \" & _\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"this experiment again.\"\n\n\t\t\t'Set the user break state so that we jump out of the experiment\n\t\t\tSetUserBreakState -1\n\n\tEnd Select\n\n\n\t'Set the values\n\tc.SetAttrib \"Description\", strDescription\n\tc.SetAttrib \"Capabilities\", strCapabilities\n\n\n\n" Name="GetPortInfo" TypeName="InLine" Tag="" Notes="" [Object3] _Version=65536 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Logging("OnsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("OnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("DurationError").Log=0 Logging("PreRelease").Log=0 Logging("Duration").Log=0 Logging("StartTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("FinishTime").Log=0 Logging("TimingMode").Log=0 Logging("CustomOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("CustomOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("ActionDelay").Log=0 Logging("ActionTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("RTTime").Log=0 Logging("ACC").Log=0 Logging("RT").Log=0 Logging("RESP").Log=0 Logging("CRESP").Log=0 Logging("Tag").Log=0 Input(0)=!Data1 _VersionPersist=1 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Text="READING INPUT\n=============\n\nTo read input from the parallel port call ConfigurePortForInput(&&H378). When you call ReadPort(&&H378) or use the PortDevice, the value returned will be the eight bits of data on the Data port of the parallel port (Pins 2-9). Please note that the address does not need to be (base + 1) since you have configured the port for input.\n\n(Don't forget to connect your ground to one of the pins 18-25).\n\n\nPress any key to continue...\n\n\n* - &&H378 is typically the default address for LPT1." ForeColor="black" BackColor="white" BackStyle="opaque" BorderColor="black" BorderWidth="0" X="center" Y="center" Width="100%" Height="100%" XAlign="center" YAlign="center" AlignHorizontal="center" AlignVertical="center" FontName="Courier New" FontSize="16" FontBold="Yes" FontItalic="No" FontUnderline="No" FontStrikeout="No" WordWrap=1 ClearAfter="No" Duration="-1" JumpLabel="" TimingMode=0 PreRelease="0" OnsetSync=1 OffsetSync=0 Name="InputDisplay" TypeName="TextDisplay" Tag="" Notes="" [Data1] DeviceName="Keyboard" DeviceClass="Keyboard" AllowableInput="{ANY}" CorrectInput="" TimeLimit="" MaxCount="1" InputAction=1 SyncOwnerDuration=1 Enabled=1 FlushInputBuffer="Yes" TerminationInput="" UserTag="" ResponseMode="All" ProcessBackspace="Yes" [Object4] _Version=65536 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Logging("OnsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("OnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("DurationError").Log=0 Logging("PreRelease").Log=0 Logging("Duration").Log=0 Logging("StartTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("FinishTime").Log=0 Logging("TimingMode").Log=0 Logging("CustomOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("CustomOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("ActionDelay").Log=0 Logging("ActionTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("RTTime").Log=0 Logging("ACC").Log=0 Logging("RT").Log=0 Logging("RESP").Log=0 Logging("CRESP").Log=0 Logging("Tag").Log=0 Input(0)=!Data2 _VersionPersist=1 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Text="SENDING OUTPUT\n=============\n\nTo output date to the parallel port call ConfigurePortForOutput(&&H378). When you call WritePort(&&H378, x) or use OnsetSignalXXX, the value sent will be the eight bits of data to the Data port of the parallel port (Pins 2-9). \n\n(Don't forget to connect your ground to one of the pins 18-25).\n\n\nPress any key to continue...\n\n\n* - &&H378 is typically the default address for LPT1." ForeColor="black" BackColor="white" BackStyle="opaque" BorderColor="black" BorderWidth="0" X="center" Y="center" Width="100%" Height="100%" XAlign="center" YAlign="center" AlignHorizontal="center" AlignVertical="center" FontName="Courier New" FontSize="16" FontBold="Yes" FontItalic="No" FontUnderline="No" FontStrikeout="No" WordWrap=1 ClearAfter="No" Duration="-1" JumpLabel="" TimingMode=0 PreRelease="0" OnsetSync=1 OffsetSync=0 Name="OutputDisplay" TypeName="TextDisplay" Tag="" Notes="" [Data2] DeviceName="Keyboard" DeviceClass="Keyboard" AllowableInput="{ANY}" CorrectInput="" TimeLimit="" MaxCount="1" InputAction=1 SyncOwnerDuration=1 Enabled=1 FlushInputBuffer="Yes" TerminationInput="" UserTag="" ResponseMode="All" ProcessBackspace="Yes" [Object5] _Version=65536 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Logging("OnsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("OnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("DurationError").Log=0 Logging("PreRelease").Log=0 Logging("Duration").Log=0 Logging("StartTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("FinishTime").Log=0 Logging("TimingMode").Log=0 Logging("CustomOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("CustomOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("ActionDelay").Log=0 Logging("ActionTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("RTTime").Log=0 Logging("ACC").Log=0 Logging("RT").Log=0 Logging("RESP").Log=0 Logging("CRESP").Log=0 Logging("Tag").Log=0 _VersionPersist=1 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Text="Goodbye!\n\n\n\nThank you for supporting E-Prime!" ForeColor="black" BackColor="white" BackStyle="opaque" BorderColor="black" BorderWidth="0" X="center" Y="center" Width="100%" Height="100%" XAlign="center" YAlign="center" AlignHorizontal="center" AlignVertical="center" FontName="Courier New" FontSize="18" FontBold="Yes" FontItalic="No" FontUnderline="No" FontStrikeout="No" WordWrap=1 ClearAfter="No" Duration="1000" JumpLabel="" TimingMode=0 PreRelease="0" OnsetSync=1 OffsetSync=0 Name="Goodbye" TypeName="TextDisplay" Tag="" Notes="" [Object6] _Version=65536 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Logging("OnsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("OnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("DurationError").Log=0 Logging("PreRelease").Log=0 Logging("Duration").Log=0 Logging("StartTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("FinishTime").Log=0 Logging("TimingMode").Log=0 Logging("CustomOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("CustomOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("ActionDelay").Log=0 Logging("ActionTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("RTTime").Log=0 Logging("ACC").Log=0 Logging("RT").Log=0 Logging("RESP").Log=0 Logging("CRESP").Log=0 Logging("Tag").Log=0 Input(0)=!Data3 _VersionPersist=1 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Text="Your Current Port\n=================\n[Description]\n\n[Capabilities]\n\n\nPress any key to continue..." ForeColor="black" BackColor="white" BackStyle="opaque" BorderColor="black" BorderWidth="0" X="center" Y="center" Width="100%" Height="100%" XAlign="center" YAlign="center" AlignHorizontal="center" AlignVertical="center" FontName="Courier New" FontSize="16" FontBold="Yes" FontItalic="No" FontUnderline="No" FontStrikeout="No" WordWrap=1 ClearAfter="No" Duration="-1" JumpLabel="" TimingMode=0 PreRelease="0" OnsetSync=1 OffsetSync=0 Name="PortInfo" TypeName="TextDisplay" Tag="" Notes="" [Data3] DeviceName="Keyboard" DeviceClass="Keyboard" AllowableInput="{ANY}" CorrectInput="" TimeLimit="" MaxCount="1" InputAction=1 SyncOwnerDuration=1 Enabled=1 FlushInputBuffer="Yes" TerminationInput="" UserTag="" ResponseMode="All" ProcessBackspace="Yes" [Object7] _Version=131072 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 _VersionPersist=1 Code="\n\n\t'If the InLine above set the user break state, then\n\t' we jump to the goodbye\n\tIf GetUserBreakState <> 0 Then GoTo GoodbyeLabel" Name="CheckContinue" TypeName="InLine" Tag="" Notes="" [Object8] _Version=65536 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 _VersionPersist=1 Name="GoodbyeLabel" TypeName="Label" Tag="" Notes="" [Object9] _Version=65536 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Logging("OnsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("OnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("DurationError").Log=0 Logging("PreRelease").Log=0 Logging("Duration").Log=0 Logging("StartTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("FinishTime").Log=0 Logging("TimingMode").Log=0 Logging("CustomOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("CustomOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("ActionDelay").Log=0 Logging("ActionTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOffsetTime").Log=0 Logging("TargetOnsetTime").Log=0 Logging("OffsetDelay").Log=0 Logging("RTTime").Log=0 Logging("ACC").Log=0 Logging("RT").Log=0 Logging("RESP").Log=0 Logging("CRESP").Log=0 Logging("Tag").Log=0 Input(0)=!Data4 _VersionPersist=1 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 Text="Although all of the routines in the User script provided can be called from an InLine, typically all you will need to do is place a call to ConfigurePortForInput or ConfigurePortForOutput.\n\nOnce you configure the port for the direct you want the data to go on the DATA port (pins 2-9), then you would use the same approach as you would have w/o the configuring commands.\n\nFor example, continue to use PortDevice, ReadPort, WritePort, Onset/OffsetSignalXXX.\n\nPress any key..." ForeColor="black" BackColor="white" BackStyle="opaque" BorderColor="black" BorderWidth="0" X="center" Y="center" Width="100%" Height="100%" XAlign="center" YAlign="center" AlignHorizontal="center" AlignVertical="center" FontName="Courier New" FontSize="18" FontBold="Yes" FontItalic="No" FontUnderline="No" FontStrikeout="No" WordWrap=1 ClearAfter="No" Duration="-1" JumpLabel="" TimingMode=0 PreRelease="0" OnsetSync=1 OffsetSync=0 Name="ConfigureAndGo" TypeName="TextDisplay" Tag="" Notes="" [Data4] DeviceName="Keyboard" DeviceClass="Keyboard" AllowableInput="{ANY}" CorrectInput="" TimeLimit="" MaxCount="1" InputAction=1 SyncOwnerDuration=1 Enabled=1 FlushInputBuffer="Yes" TerminationInput="" UserTag="" ResponseMode="All" ProcessBackspace="Yes" [Object10] _Version=131072 _ExtentX=2646 _ExtentY=1323 _StockProps=0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=2 VersionInternal=1 VersionBuild=8 _VersionPersist=1 Code="\n\n\t'Configure the port for output\n\t' After this call, use WritePort PORT_ADDRESS, 1\n\t' to set the LSB (pin 2) high or set the OnsetSignalXXX\n\t' properties of an object.\n\tConfigurePortForOutput PORT_ADDRESS\n\n\n\t'Configure the port for input\n\t' After this call, use x = ReadPort(PORT_ADDRESS)\n\t' or use the PortDevice in the Duration/Input\n\t' property page of an object. Note that\n\t' you do not need to use &379 (base + 1) to \n\t' read the data since you are reading from\n\t' the DATA port (pins 2-9)\n\tConfigurePortForInput PORT_ADDRESS\n\n\n\t" Name="ExampleCalls" TypeName="InLine" Tag="" Notes="" [UserScript] ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' PARALLEL PORT ROUTINES - BEGIN ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Version: ' Date: 9/23/03 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Const PORT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0 Const PORT_TYPE_SPP = 1 Const PORT_TYPE_PS2 = 2 Const PORT_TYPE_EPP = 3 Const PORT_TYPE_ECP = 4 Const ECP_MODE_SPP = 0 Const ECP_MODE_PS2 = 1 Const ECP_MODE_FAST_CENTRONICS = 2 Const ECP_MODE_ECP = 3 Const ECP_MODE_EPP = 4 Const ECP_MODE_TEST = 6 Const ECP_MODE_CONFIGURATION = 7 Function DataPortRead(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Integer DataPortRead = ReadPort(nBaseAddress) End Function Sub DataPortWrite(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long, ByVal nValue As Integer) WritePort nBaseAddress, nValue End Sub Function StatusPortRead(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Integer 'Reads a parallel port's status port. 'Calculates the status-port address from the port's 'base address, and inverts bit 7 of the byte read. 'The status-port hardware reinverts these bits, 'so the value read matches the value at the connector. StatusPortRead = (ReadPort(nBaseAddress + 1) Xor &H80) End Function Function BitRead(ByVal nSource As Long, ByVal nBitNumber As Integer) As Long 'Returns the value (0 or 1) of the requested bit in a Variable. Dim nBitValue As Long 'the value of the requested bit nBitValue = 2 ^ nBitNumber BitRead = (nSource And nBitValue) \ nBitValue End Function Function BitReset(ByVal nSource As Long, ByVal nBitNumber As Integer) As Long 'Resets (clears) the requested bit in a Variable. Dim nBitValue As Long Dim nCurrentValue As Long 'The value of the requested bit. nBitValue = 2 ^ nBitNumber BitReset = nSource And (&HFFFFFFFF - nBitValue) End Function Function BitSet(ByVal nSource As Long, ByVal nBitNumber As Integer) As Long 'Sets the requested bit in a Variable. Dim nBitValue As Long 'The value of the requested bit. nBitValue = 2 ^ nBitNumber BitSet = nSource Or nBitValue End Function Function BitToggle(ByVal nSource As Long, ByVal nBitNumber As Integer) As Long 'Toggles the requested bit in a Variable. Dim nBitValue As Long Dim nCurrentValue As Long 'The value of the requested bit. nBitValue = 2 ^ nBitNumber 'Is the current value 0 or 1? nCurrentValue = nSource And nBitValue Select Case nCurrentValue Case 0 'If current value = 0, set it BitToggle = nSource Or nBitValue Case Else 'If current value = 1, reset it BitToggle = nSource And (&HFFFFFFFF - nBitValue) End Select End Function Function ControlPortRead(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Integer 'Reads a parallel port's control port. 'Calculates the control-port address from the port's 'base address, and inverts bits 0, 1, & 3 of the byte read. 'The control-port hardware reinverts these bits, 'so the value read matches the value at the connector. ControlPortRead = (ReadPort(nBaseAddress + 2) Xor &HB) End Function Sub ControlPortWrite(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long, ByVal nValue As Integer) 'Writes a Value to a parallel port's control port. 'Calculates the control-port address from the port's 'base address, and inverts bits 0, 1, & 3. 'The control-port hardware reinverts these bits, 'so Value is written to the port connector. WritePort nBaseAddress + 2, nValue Xor &HB End Sub Function GetEcpMode(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Integer Dim nEcrAddress As Long Dim nEcrData As Long 'The Ecr mode is in bits 5, 6, and 7 of the ECR. nEcrAddress = nBaseAddress + &H402 nEcrData = ReadPort(nEcrAddress) GetEcpMode = (nEcrData And &HE0) \ &H20 End Function Function GetEppTimeoutBit(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Integer 'Reads and clears the EPP timeout bit (status port bit 0). 'Should be done after each EPP operation. 'The method for clearing the bit varies, so try 3 ways: '1. Write 1 to it. '2. Write 0 to it. '3. Read it again. Dim nStatusPortAddress As Long Dim nReadAgain As Long nStatusPortAddress = nBaseAddress + 1 GetEppTimeoutBit = BitRead(StatusPortRead(nBaseAddress), 0) WritePort nStatusPortAddress, 1 WritePort nStatusPortAddress, 0 nReadAgain = BitRead(StatusPortRead(nBaseAddress), 0) End Function Function IsPortEcp(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Boolean 'Test for the presence of an ECP. 'If the ECP is idle and the FIFO empty, 'in the ECP's Ecr (at Base Address+402h), 'bit 1(Fifo full)=0, and bit 0(Fifo empty)=1. 'The first test is to see if these bits differ from the 'corresponding bits in the control port (at Base Address+2). 'If so, a further test is to write 34h to the Ecr, 'then read it back. Bit 1 is read/write, and bit 0 is read-only. 'If the value read is 35h, the port is an ECP. Dim nEcrBit0 As Long Dim nEcrBit1 As Long Dim nControlBit0 As Long Dim nControlBit1 As Long Dim nControlPortData As Long Dim nOriginalControlPortData As Long Dim nTestEcrAddress As Long Dim nOriginalEcrData As Long Dim nEcrAddress As Long Dim nEcrData As Long 'Guilty until proven innocent IsPortEcp = False nEcrAddress = nBaseAddress + &H402 'Read ECR bits 0 & 1 and Control Port bit 1. nEcrData = ReadPort(nEcrAddress) nEcrBit0 = BitRead(nEcrData, 0) nEcrBit1 = BitRead(nEcrData, 1) nOriginalControlPortData = ControlPortRead(nBaseAddress) nControlPortData = nOriginalControlPortData nControlBit1 = BitRead(nControlPortData, 1) If nEcrBit0 = 1 And nEcrBit1 = 0 Then 'Compare control bit 1 to ECR bit 1. 'Toggle the control bit if necessary, 'to be sure the two registers are different. If nControlBit1 = 0 Then ControlPortWrite nBaseAddress, &HF nControlPortData = ControlPortRead(nBaseAddress) nControlBit1 = BitRead(nControlPortData, 1) End If If nEcrBit1 <> nControlBit1 Then nOriginalEcrData = nEcrData WritePort nEcrAddress, &H34 nEcrData = ReadPort(nEcrAddress) If nEcrData = &H35 Then IsPortEcp = True End If 'Restore the ECR to its original value. WritePort nEcrAddress, nOriginalEcrData End If End If 'Restore the control to its original value. ControlPortWrite nBaseAddress, nOriginalControlPortData End Function Function IsPortEpp(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Boolean 'Write to an Epp register, then read it back. 'If the reads match the writes, it's probably an Epp. Dim nByteRead As Long Dim nStatusPortData As Long Dim nEppAddressPort As Long Dim nTimeoutBit As Long Dim nStatusPortAddress As Long nStatusPortAddress = nBaseAddress + 1 'Guilty until proven innocent IsPortEpp = False 'Use EppAddressPort for testing. 'SPPs, ECPs, and PS/2 ports don't have this register. nEppAddressPort = nBaseAddress + 3 WritePort nEppAddressPort, &H55 'Clear the timeout bit after each EPP operation. nTimeoutBit = GetEppTimeoutBit(nBaseAddress) nByteRead = ReadPort(nEppAddressPort) nTimeoutBit = GetEppTimeoutBit(nBaseAddress) If nByteRead = &H55 Then WritePort nEppAddressPort, &HAA nTimeoutBit = GetEppTimeoutBit(nBaseAddress) nByteRead = ReadPort(nEppAddressPort) nTimeoutBit = GetEppTimeoutBit(nBaseAddress) If nByteRead = &HAA Then IsPortEpp = True End If End If End Function Function IsPortSpp(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Boolean 'Write two bytes and read them back. 'If the reads match the writes, the port exists. Dim nByteRead As Long 'Attempt to cache the control port data Dim nOriginalControlPortData As Long nOriginalControlPortData = ControlPortRead(nBaseAddress) 'Be sure that control port bit 5 = 0 (data outputs enabled). ControlPortWrite nBaseAddress, &HF 'Guilty until proven innocent IsPortSpp = False 'Write to the data port DataPortWrite nBaseAddress, &H55 'Read the byte back nByteRead = DataPortRead(nBaseAddress) 'Is it the same? If nByteRead = &H55 Then 'Write another byte to confirm DataPortWrite nBaseAddress, &HAA 'Read the byte back nByteRead = DataPortRead(nBaseAddress) 'Is it the same? If nByteRead = &HAA Then IsPortSpp = True End If End If 'Attempt to restore the control port data ControlPortWrite nBaseAddress, nOriginalControlPortData End Function Function IsPortPS2(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Boolean 'A PS/2 port must pass the SPP test If Not IsPortSpp(nBaseAddress) Then Exit Function 'Tests a parallel port's data port for bidirectional ability. 'First, try to tri-state (disable) the data outputs by 'setting bit 5 of the Control port. 'Then write 2 values to the data port and read each back 'If the values match, the data outputs are not disabled, 'and the port is not bidirectional. 'If the values don't match, 'the data outputs are disabled and the port is bidirectional. Dim nDataInput As Long Dim nControlPortData As Long Dim nOriginalDataPortData As Long 'Attempt to cache the control port data Dim nOriginalControlPortData As Long nOriginalControlPortData = ControlPortRead(nBaseAddress) 'Set Control port bit 5. ControlPortWrite nBaseAddress, &H2F 'Guilty until proven innocent IsPortPS2 = False 'Write the first byte and read it back: DataPortWrite nBaseAddress, &H55 nDataInput = DataPortRead(nBaseAddress) 'If it doesn't match, the port is bidirectional. If Not nDataInput = &H55 Then IsPortPS2 = True 'If it matches, write another and read it back. If nDataInput = &H55 Then DataPortWrite nBaseAddress, &HAA nDataInput = DataPortRead(nBaseAddress) 'If it doesn't match, the port is bidirectional If Not nDataInput = &HAA Then IsPortPS2 = True End If End If 'Attempt to restore the control port data ControlPortWrite nBaseAddress, nOriginalControlPortData End Function Function IsPortOutput(ByVal nAddress As Long) As Boolean 'Guilty until proven innocent IsPortOutput = False 'Get the value of the control port if bit five is ' high, then set for input. If the bit is low, ' then set for output. NOTE that on some odd ports, ' you must set bit seven and this function would be incorrect Dim nControlPortValue As Long nControlPortValue = ControlPortRead(nAddress) '0 = Output If BitRead(nControlPortValue, 5) = 0 Then IsPortOutput = True End If End Function Function IsPortInput(ByVal nAddress As Long) As Boolean 'Guilty until proven innocent IsPortInput = False 'Get the value of the control port if bit five is ' high, then set for input. If the bit is low, ' then set for output. NOTE that on some odd ports, ' you must set bit seven and this function would be incorrect Dim nControlPortValue As Long nControlPortValue = ControlPortRead(nAddress) '1 = input If BitRead(nControlPortValue, 5) = 1 Then IsPortInput = True End If End Function Function GetPortType(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As Long 'Test for a port's presence, and if it exists, the type of port. 'In order, check for the presence of an ECP, EPP, SPP, and PS/2 port. 'Update the information in the Port array and the display. 'Check for ECP If IsPortEcp(nBaseAddress) Then GetPortType = PORT_TYPE_ECP Exit Function End If 'If it's not an ECP, look for an EPP. 'If BaseAddress = 3BCh, skip the EPP test. 'EPPs aren't allowed at 3BCh due to possible conflict 'with video memory. If nBaseAddress <> &H3BC Then If IsPortEpp(nBaseAddress) Then GetPortType = PORT_TYPE_EPP Exit Function End If End If 'If it's not an EPP, look for a PS/2. If IsPortPS2(nBaseAddress) Then GetPortType = PORT_TYPE_PS2 Exit Function End If 'Well, must be an SPP If IsPortSPP(nBaseAddress) Then GetPortType = PORT_TYPE_SPP Exit Function End If 'Why did we get here - nothing passed! 'Is the port address not a parallel port? Debug.Assert False GetPortType = PORT_TYPE_UNKNOWN End Function Sub SetEcpMode(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long, ByVal nEcpModeValue As Integer) 'Why are you calling this on a port that is not ECP? Debug.Assert IsPortEcp(nBaseAddress) 'Why are you setting an invalid mode? Debug.Assert nEcpModeValue = ECP_MODE_SPP Or _ nEcpModeValue = ECP_MODE_PS2 Or _ nEcpModeValue = ECP_MODE_FAST_CENTRONICS Or _ nEcpModeValue = ECP_MODE_ECP Or _ nEcpModeValue = ECP_MODE_EPP Or _ nEcpModeValue = ECP_MODE_TEST Or _ nEcpModeValue = ECP_MODE_CONFIGURATION Dim nEcrAddress As Integer Dim nEcrData As Integer nEcrAddress = nBaseAddress + &H402 'Read the ECR & clear bits 5, 6, 7. nEcrData = ReadPort(nEcrAddress) And &H1F 'Write the selected value to bits 5, 6, 7. nEcrData = nEcrData + nEcpModeValue * &H20 WritePort nEcrAddress, nEcrData End Sub Sub ConfigurePortForInput(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) 'If the port is SPP, then input is not permitted through the DATA port If GetPortType(nBaseAddress) = PORT_TYPE_SPP Then 'If the port is SPP, then input is not permitted through the DATA port 'Configure the port through the BIOS, etc. for ECP, EPP, PS2, Bi-Direction. 'Input from an SPP must be done through the Status or Control ports as ' access to the DATA port is for output only. 'Please see KB:1320 for more information on the E-Prime Web Support site. Debug.Assert False End If 'If the port is and ECP port, configure its compatability mode for PS/2 for Bi-Directional If IsPortEcp(nBaseAddress) Then SetEcpMode nBaseAddress, ECP_MODE_PS2 Dim nControlValue As Long nControlValue = ControlPortRead(nBaseAddress) 'Set bits five and seven to indicate the port is for input nControlValue = BitSet(nControlValue, 5) nControlValue = BitSet(nControlValue, 7) 'Update the register ControlPortWrite nBaseAddress, nControlValue End Sub Sub ConfigurePortForOutput(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) 'If the port is and ECP port, configure its compatability mode for standard output only If IsPortEcp(nBaseAddress) Then SetEcpMode nBaseAddress, ECP_MODE_SPP Dim nControlValue As Long nControlValue = ControlPortRead(nBaseAddress) 'RESET bits five and seven to zero indicating output nControlValue = BitReset(nControlValue, 5) nControlValue = BitReset(nControlValue, 7) 'Update the register ControlPortWrite nBaseAddress, nControlValue End Sub Function GetPortDescription(ByVal nBaseAddress As Long) As String Dim strDescription As String strDescription = strDescription & "Type: " 'Get the Type Dim nPortType As Long nPortType = GetPortType(nBaseAddress) Select Case nPortType Case PORT_TYPE_SPP strDescription = strDescription & "SPP (Output Only)" Case PORT_TYPE_PS2 strDescription = strDescription & "PS/2 (Bi-Directional)" Case PORT_TYPE_EPP strDescription = strDescription & "EPP" Case PORT_TYPE_ECP strDescription = strDescription & "ECP" Case Else strDescription = strDescription & "UNKNOWN(" & nPortType & ")" End Select 'If ECP, then get compatability mode If nPortType = PORT_TYPE_ECP Then 'Compatabilty mode strDescription = strDescription & " Compatability: " Dim nEcpMode As Long nEcpMode = GetEcpMode(nBaseAddress) Select Case nEcpMode Case ECP_MODE_SPP strDescription = strDescription & "SPP" Case ECP_MODE_PS2 strDescription = strDescription & "PS/2" Case ECP_MODE_FAST_CENTRONICS strDescription = strDescription & "Fast Centronics" Case ECP_MODE_EPP strDescription = strDescription & "EPP" Case ECP_MODE_ECP strDescription = strDescription & "ECP" Case ECP_MODE_TEST strDescription = strDescription & "Test" Case ECP_MODE_CONFIGURATION strDescription = strDescription & "Configuration" Case Else strDescription = strDescription & "UNKNOWN(" & nEcpMode & ")" End Select End If 'Can we currently write to the port? If IsPortOutput(nBaseAddress) Then strDescription = strDescription & " DATA PORT: output" End If 'Can we currently read from the port? If IsPortInput(nBaseAddress) Then strDescription = strDescription & " DATA PORT: input" End If 'Assign return GetPortDescription = strDescription End Function ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' PARALLEL PORT ROUTINES - END ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''